HU-Edge 540 Download at simviation


Charter Member
Hi All and Happy New Year.
For all you upside down junkies, The Edge 540 is now available at simviation in the props section. I believe this is the same one that came from a German fella, and many people were unable to download it from his site. I just downloaded it, and this thing looks first class. Gotta go fly this thing now.
Enjoy. :applause:
This Version 1.1 is AWESOME. I had downloaded the first version from this guys German website and its obvious this thing has been reworked. Now :jump:it flies the way it Looks.
be warned Tom, she's point and shoot, and then some, i made the grand canyon run inverted in the thing, she's highly addictive, my demo plane for the online 2010 season :jump:
Paint Kit especially formatted for FS9 too. Now I can righteously fly this wonderful creation. :applause::applause::applause::ernae:

I downloaded this one earlier today. Talk about twitchy. One hand on the stick, the other on the eject button!!
Wow. That's about all I can say here. Wow.
Very nicely modeled. One thing though, the flight model doen't exactly let you do the "High Alpha" moves you can in the real one. No "Cobra" on take off with this one. But I can live with that.
Did anyone try that RollAcc.exe file that goes in the main FS9 folder? I did not put it in there for fear of some sort of disaster to my files.
I cant wait to see what some of our wonderful repainters come up with for this thing. Personally, I'd like to see more private and airshow schemes. I think this package came with a few too many REDBULL paints-(IMHO).:wavey:
I read the other post for the panel. I read that you were able to do a "cobra".
I have tried this many times and it always seems to stall and roll off immediately never giving me more than a 1/2 second of the maneuver. Never gets into a hover.
How are you performing this? I am trying this on takeoff. Am I going too fast at the start/pulling too hard?

PS: Thanks for the panel!
cobra never ends in a hover, the aircraft should always maintain forward momentum. the engine on the 540 (a 340hp unit) isn't racy enough to hover it or do the maneuver some call 'helicopter' :jump:

Frecce tricolore paint is 50% done by the way guys expect her this evening (around 1800GMT) :kilroy:
I read the other post for the panel. I read that you were able to do a "cobra".
I have tried this many times and it always seems to stall and roll off immediately never giving me more than a 1/2 second of the maneuver. Never gets into a hover.
How are you performing this? I am trying this on takeoff. Am I going too fast at the start/pulling too hard?

PS: Thanks for the panel!


I must attemp this in FS9, where I can do a playback and record a Video. In FSX I do this from the VC and any Instant Replay results in jitters on Spot View, thus no recording.

Like Smoothie says, the Cobra is never a hover, you must maintain a speed slightly above stall speed, move forward, tilt back and move forward again, you are always moving, there is no hover.

BTW, for those not into aerobatics, trimmed and flown at good cruise speed, this airplane is an absolute delight to fly point to point. It is light, so one has to watch wind if you set your realism up, but it is a total joy just to fly. Its aerobatic capabilities are snake fast, so unless you've some knowledge of aerobatic maneuvers, practice slow at first.

i'll be making a video over the next few days of my practices for the 2010 online season, the trick is as well caz, practice at an altitude that gives you time to recover from a stall situation, then as you get better start bringing the altutude down, my first practice i do at 5000ft, 2 days later (after some 30 practices +) i bring it down to 4500ft, a month or so later i'm happy and the display goes down to the nice height of 250ft, and lower for one of my passes :salute:

point to point as cazzie says she's nice, got Frecce being worked on (Delayed till about 2200 due to R/W commitments) and also a few 'touring' schemes in the paint hangar, my hangar is subsequently experiencing a tailback of some 15 or so aircraft :icon_lol: