Hey Sascha,
I have Build 1.0 and love it. You can go to full tilt and take off like a Helo. She cruises easily at 200+ knots. For some reason, it reminds me more of flying a Mu-2 rather then a Tilt-Rotor.
She has some wild features built into the 'Tilt' capabilities that the real world Tilts have, such as using joystick to move around (forward and reverse) when on the ground. To move forward towards a hanger, etc, you simply move the joystick forward (instead of the throttle) and you begin rolling. Pretty cool feature. Also, when in hover, you can use Rudder input to rotate perfectly around Y axis. But, when hovering, and you move the joystick sideways, that darn thing moves sideways, lol... (If you have seen a real Tilt on TV manuvering in hover, it is wild how they can rotate and move sideways, and this model does this).
Nothing more fun then approaching an airport, doing a notch of Rotor angle a moment at a time, slowing.. slowing some more.. then you are hovering and descending...
Its compounded (nicer) when you have TrackIR as you can check your horizontal speed to make sure you are in pure hover as you descend.
When you are at about 10' above ground, you better be quick with throttle, as the turboprop lag can cause you to land hard, so be warned there.
Also, some extremely good model details, like landing gear, dynamic reflection, the custom paint schemes for civilian models (2), the military version that has optics guided payloads and secondary troop deployment sliding door.
Great model, extremely fun to fly, and she is fast.