HU for WILCO Tilt Rotor flyers


Charter Member 2015
Hi all,

a new photoreal repaint for the tilt rotor was released on avsim by Pablo Diaz (search for [FONT=verdana, sans-serif] including all new VC textures and it looks f.....g awesome!

Makes me want to buy it immediately...

Do any of you guys own it and willing to share some insight?

Hey Sascha,

I have Build 1.0 and love it. You can go to full tilt and take off like a Helo. She cruises easily at 200+ knots. For some reason, it reminds me more of flying a Mu-2 rather then a Tilt-Rotor.

She has some wild features built into the 'Tilt' capabilities that the real world Tilts have, such as using joystick to move around (forward and reverse) when on the ground. To move forward towards a hanger, etc, you simply move the joystick forward (instead of the throttle) and you begin rolling. Pretty cool feature. Also, when in hover, you can use Rudder input to rotate perfectly around Y axis. But, when hovering, and you move the joystick sideways, that darn thing moves sideways, lol... (If you have seen a real Tilt on TV manuvering in hover, it is wild how they can rotate and move sideways, and this model does this).

Nothing more fun then approaching an airport, doing a notch of Rotor angle a moment at a time, slowing.. slowing some more.. then you are hovering and descending...

Its compounded (nicer) when you have TrackIR as you can check your horizontal speed to make sure you are in pure hover as you descend.

When you are at about 10' above ground, you better be quick with throttle, as the turboprop lag can cause you to land hard, so be warned there.

Also, some extremely good model details, like landing gear, dynamic reflection, the custom paint schemes for civilian models (2), the military version that has optics guided payloads and secondary troop deployment sliding door.

Great model, extremely fun to fly, and she is fast.

I downloaded the file (25meg) and installed it in my FS9 Tiltrotor version. First thing I noticed was that in the aircraft selection menu, the image of the photoreal loaded faster than the original textures. Not a big deal, but interesting. After loading up the aircraft, I was impressed with the work inside and out. One thing I did notice on the interior work was that the the two older gauges that were pasted onto the lower left of the panel have lost the gauge covers that the designer added prior to release. I still don't like the looks of those two gauges being simply stuck there like a "red headed stepchild" so if I can, I'm deleting those first off. Everything else interior wise looks good.

Now to the exterior. The photoreal textures look excellent, however, they are also transparent. Yep, I can see into the interior of the aircraft from outside. I assume this is an alpha channel problem and so I'm going to take a look see and scale that back if I can using DXTbmp. If that's not possible, then I'll dump these textures unfortunately, but I hope I don't have to do that as they're nicely done.
Sounds as if I should get this tilt rotor, I have been fascinated by this type of aircraft since I saw an Osprey at an airshow some years back!

Thanks for the feedback guys!:ernae:
hmmm, I've taken a quick look. Nice work! Ok, I see why the transparent exterior. It's using alpha channels as per the FSX model, but the FS9 .Mdl doesn't support them. To fix, open the textures with dxt.bmp and replace the alpha's with plain white textures and it will display just fine. I hope that Bazzar will change the .MDL for FS9 to support alpha channels at some stage.

hmmm, I've taken a quick look. Nice work! Ok, I see why the transparent exterior. It's using alpha channels as per the FSX model, but the FS9 .Mdl doesn't support them. To fix, open the textures with dxt.bmp and replace the alpha's with plain white textures and it will display just fine. I hope that Bazzar will change the .MDL for FS9 to support alpha channels at some stage.


We're working on the latest upgrades which will include alphas and spec texture files for FSX (painters will be happy now...) along with some other things including a very important and exciting upgrade to the VTOL simulation.:engel016: