HU! Midway by John Stinstrom


at Avsim

File Description:
FS2004 scenery for Midway Island (1970). Midway Island has long been a vital stopover for ships and aircraft plying the Central Pacific. Although the islands are a quiet nature preserve today, during the 1970s Midway was a key link in the DEW (Detection Early Warning) radar defense system. Midway Island is actually two islands; Sand Island (the Western Island) with the current airfield and Eastern Island with an airfield dating from World War II which has become an antennae farm. This scenery was designed to accommodate the Vintage Military AI available from


Id/loaded this scenery, but got crashes to desktop with it so uninstalled it, but when going back to the previous set-up found I had lost 2 textures . I have a pic of here of one and the other is the start-up exhaust smoke you get from the C172 when you start up.....


... which might be the same one. I would appreciate knowing where these might found on the FS9 discs.
Thank you


In fact here is a supplmentary do I extract the World CAB file into FS9 to get all the default textures back?


  • fsscr029.jpg
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Get 7Zip and use it to open the cab. By default, double-clicking a cab in Windows Explorer will just give you a list of files with no structure. You need 7Zip (or any equivalent) to open a cab file and still be able to navigate the internal folder structure.
Hi Tom,
I have opened a file up with 7zip, so many Thanks for that info.
If I just Open the CAB file and copy/paste the bit I'm looking for, are you saying that that doesn't work? I haven't yet worked out what bits were overwritten. I think that they are textures of some sort as the tiles are still there, but without information on them.
I shall dig about in the texture folder!

edit: where can I find what the name of the textures that are missing? Where are they shown in relation to the Aircraft they relate to ? Cheers, A.

edit 2: I replaced the Texture folder and it made no difference, so I must be looking in the wrong place I think.
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With the cab open in 7Zip, you can treat the files like you would in any other folder, except that you may have trouble making changes inside the cab itself. Once they're built, they're generally read-only and etched in stone. Of course, if the cab is still on the CD, it's read-only for sure anyway. With 7Zip and WinZip both, you can drag/drop files and folders from the cab to just about anywhere else you want.

As for the specifics of the missing files, you may want to ask over at the CalClassic forum:
Lost the DC6 ground handling textures now off the fork lift trucks ! so definitely heading over to calclassic to seek assistance..:dizzy:
I also emailed John Stinstrom on the offchance.

I also had a CTD so I ran some testing. It was at 54% loading when I got the crash. It said something about terrain, so I took out the VTP files and LC files and reinstalled them one by one in the Midway folder. In the end the culprit is the VTP file for lines called Midway_VTPL. Since I'm not sure what is causing this file to not work I just removed the scenery since the Asia Pacific 1962 file from CalClassic has a good version I like.

If there are any ideas as to how to fix the VTPL file please let us know since I really enjoy John's scenery.

BTW, Happy New Year!