HU: Mig-25 for AI use


Charter Member

Michael Pearson's been busy.

"Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 Foxbat for AI Traffic. The Foxbat was originally designed as a high-altitude interceptor in the mid-1960s, but proved over time to be a capable, if limited, multirole aircraft, being used extensively as a armed recce and antiradar platform. The Foxbat is the second-fastest operational combat aircraft of all time, after the Lockheed SR-71. First flying in 1964, with 1,190 aircraft built, the Foxbat is or was operated by 14 countries, and has aged gracefully over a 43-year-and-counting operational career. I present an 8-LOD complete re-build of Sergey Bunevich's AI traffic model to bring another Cold War icon to the flightsim world. This package represents the MiG-25 in its entirety, with 12 base variants, 25 loadout models, and 127 repaints. Original aircraft by Sergey Bunevich; FSDS rebuild, new flight dynamics, new textures, and repaints by Michael Pearson."

Available, as always, at an AVSIM near you.
