HU! New at Simviation

Massimo Taccoli, one of the true masters, a new model from him is a rare treat. Thanks fir the heads up Pete. :salute:
I like it, took some time off from my 109 fetish and have a couple of schemes underway, both early WIP.

I am only one with two rpm indicators in vc? I looked in panel.cfg and vc section seems proper, despite that instead of oil temperature gauge i see second rpm indicator, i tried to disable "gauge04=Nardi_FN305!mvg_ita_rpm_1" entry and now both gauges are empty.
I've been in contact with Massimo & he is underway with the two RPM change as well as some others that he hopes to release as an update, but real world events (new grandson) have taken priority...
I've been in contact with Massimo & he is underway with the two RPM change as well as some others that he hopes to release as an update, but real world events (new grandson) have taken priority...
Now thats a good news!