HU: New CYYJ Victoria released!

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
I'm sure not to be the only one who loves to hop around Vancouver Island, so this might be of some interest:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Scenery FS2004/FSX Scenery--CYYJ 2010
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View | Video ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 34,846,458 Date: 01-20-2010 Downloads: 1,249
FS2004/FSX Scenery--CYYJ 2010. Also updates Victoria Plus for FSX, portrays the Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) International Airport (CYYJ) and surrounding scenery, including the Coast Guard station at nearby Pat Bay, as they appeared in early 2010. The add-on is fully compatible with Ultimate Terrain Canada/Alaska for FS2004 and Ultimate Terrain X - Canada for FSX, Victoria Plus (both FS2004 And FSX versions) and other road and shoreline upgrades for the area. CYYJ (2010) updates Victoria Plus for FSX and all earlier versions of standalone CYYJ. It includes recent changes at and near the real CYYJ (including the now-complete Airside Operations Center), fixes the problem that caused mysterious crashes of the FSX user aircraft on the aprons, and implements a number of minor improvements and fixes. All fences, walls and hedges have been replaced with custom versions - sloping where appropriate - created with FenceBuilder Pro. As well, "non-essential" scenery such as static aircraft, road vehicles and pedestrians have been partitioned from the main scenery to facilitate users who want to "do their own thing" in these regards. Lastly, CYYJ (2010) includes all the aircraft, flight plan and traffic files necessary to implement a comprehensive AI scenario. By Don Grovestine. (Previous version had 2602 downloads)[/SIZE]

Having most of the optional items installed, the whole thing runs surprisingly smooth.

Withou any doubt, one for the freeware gem stack!
Very well done, Don! :applause:


My favourite spot of this field:
The BC Aviation Museum's display!

And here are the 433Sq's Sea Kings and Griffons:


Thank you for this lovely place to hang around in!

G3D.DLL crash

Hmmm - anyone else here encountering CTDs on final?
Happened to me twice.

Deactivating the custom CYYJ landclass file seems to solve the problem...
Hmmm - anyone else here encountering CTDs on final?
Happened to me twice.

Deactivating the custom CYYJ landclass file seems to solve the problem...

I CTD'd on final. Reinstalling, minus the landclass. Thanks.

Edit: Crashed again minus the landclass. Uninstalled, flew to Victoria default. No crash. Bummed. Hope there is a fix soon, I love flying Southern BC.
Is this scenery more or less 'meant' to be used with Victoria+ for FS9? I'm not sure, but there seem to be a number of references to it, which has me thinking; I will install Victoria+ and then the scenery to see if the CTD's are still there, unless someone else already has it installed....
I have had it installed for a few days now, minus the landclass, with FSGenesis mesh and Ground Environment textures, haven't had a CTD yet.....
Laser show?

Anybody seen this before?


On final at rwy 27, those strange laser beams occur.
Some visual ILS help I haven't heard of yet?

Maybe aliens? :icon_eek:

Or just a simple weather phenomenon?

I had those lines after I installed the current CYYJ. Can't remember how I got rid of them. I still get CTDs when on long, straight in FAP above 10,000. I was hoping this new version would fix everything, but from what I've read, no joy. I, too, have the landclass and landscape unchecked (otherwise no inland water).

I'm stilling hoping, though, that I can abandon my 'workarounds'.
