HU! New from Patrice Grange ; YAK 1


At Simviation; 'Stalin' will love this


FSX/FS2004 Yak-1 Lydia Litvak, Full Package - Original
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FSX (SP2 compatible) / FS2004 Yak-1 of the Russian female ace Lydia Litvak. Complete package, with full moving parts, animations, custom panel and a full virtual cockpit. Lydia Vladimirovna Litvak (or "Litvyak"), "Lilya" or "Lily" for her friends, is the highest scoring female air ace of all times, with 12 personal victories + 3 shared, mostly during the battle of Stalingrad in 1942/1943. A beautiful girl with blonde hair and blue-grey eyes, Lily was also known as "the White Rose of Stalingrad" because of the white rose she painted on the side of her plane for each of her kills. Due to her reputation, German pilots were reported to warn each other of her presence in the sky, yelling "Achtung Litvak!" in their radios as soon as she was identified in the combats. During her last mission, Lilya shot down two enemy planes before hers was attacked. But because of her notoriety amongst the Germans, no less than eight Messerschmitt Bf 109's concentrated solely on Lilya's well recognizable Yak-1, separated and alone, until she was finally overpowered by their number and shot down. She was 21 years old... The design of the Yakovlev Yak-1 medium altitude interceptor fighter began in November 1938, and from it evolved a series of remarkable aircraft which made an important mark in the history of aviation and in WW2. This Yak-1, call-code "yellow 44", is the one used by Lilya Litvak for most of her missions over Stalingrad. THIS PLANE IS NOT A REPAINT, but a 100% original model, with full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gear, flaps, opening canopy, landing light, ...), an original custom 2D panel and a full animated VC. A tribute to Lilya! Designed by Patrice Grange.



Yes, thanks for the HU Pete. I don't often look at that site so I'd probably have missed this one.
Just a heads up if downloading the Yak, don't use the gauges as it may do away with your stock GPS. I stupidly installed the gauges without a backup of the fs9gauges file and found I didn't have the stock GPS anymore, so I had to go to fs9 installation disk #3 and get the stock gauges (which I saved this time in my documents) fs9gps and reinstalled it back.
PS, remember D-Day.
As a general rule, I put the gauges in the panel folder for the specific aircraft in FS9. It works 99.9% of the time and you don't (usually) have to worry about over writing anything in the "gauges" folder for FS. I don't have the Yak 1 installed so I can't say what the story is for this model, but you may want to use this little trick if you want to re-install the Yak.

I never thought of that ,but now that you mention it I remember someone else doing this a while ago.Thats what I'll do from now on.
Has anyone noticed their air file missing?
No, I didn't throw it out, must try another download.