Saetta HA200 by Erwin Welker,
& Miles Libellua by Kazunori Ito.
& Miles Libellua by Kazunori Ito.
In hindsight I should have just deleted my post. Mine was directed at "both" of Ito Sans recent uploads which basically was "off topic". I searched for info on the "Akita" and found nothing, assuming the same was true for the oddly designed M-39B, I did not research it at all and of course that one would turn out to be an actual RW proto.Mick is correct, both real enough planes:-
Miles M.39 --->
HA200 ---->
Good to know what you found. I was going to install it and go flying just to see how it performed. . .if it was decent then I could probably ignore the intake problem. I think I'll just delete it and be done with it.Hi people
Well, being spanish I dropped the "Saeta" and took it for a spin rather fastish, unfortunately, there are problems all around, Falcon409 mentions the intake an he is absolutely spot on, but the real problem is the FDE, I got it flying (sort of) and either I have lost my touch or there is something very wrong with the rudder, the moment you roll the aircraft, the tail goes to the inside of the turn as if it was going out of fashion, but if you try to correct with the rudder, the aircraft rolls out of the turn sharpish but the tail stays low.
I put the aircraft through ACM and the geometry is all over the place with a wing with 35 degrees sweep and the main wheels two fuselage lenghts behind the tail.
I would have loved to have the HA-200/220 Saeta (there are quite a number of liveries for it), but I am affraid that, with all due respect to the author, it needs some major re-work, and that does not mention the textures' mapping which is not a sinecure either!
Oh no. . .The Akita is fine, as is the M.39B. . .it's the HA-200 Saeta that I deleted. The intake is poorly modeled and it sounds like the geometry and FDE are so out of wack it isn't worth messing with.Don't delete it yet. Try my FDES for it. I uploaded to MediFire file host 2/21/2017. Here are links. One is jet the other is turbo prop. How correct are they? Well they are good enough for both FS9 and FSX Accel AS IS. Just make addition to 'panel=xxx' and 'sound=xxx' as needed. I passed on Saeta but am downloading it now. Will take a look at how it flys tonight.
Chuck B
Turbo Prop FDE
Chuck, I would have to say that it is perfect (or close to it). It appears to be an excellent flyer really. I did a short flight with it and while it did reach "overspeed" limits pretty quickly, I have seen other aircraft do the same and I have a tendency to "firewall" the throttles anyway so much of that is attributed to my "leadfoot" mentality, lol. I originally trashed this one without even flying it, so I don't know how really bad it was in the air but currently it's a keeper.Ed,
Did you look at all the changes I had to make in cfg? I left all the changes in and the original values are there, after the '//' to comment them out. It's understandable how Erwin might know modeling but not know FDEs. I do notice that he helps a lot of other people with their work. So he is not all bad (hehe). I can't paint and I sure can't model so I have to do mechanic work to earn my keep. It's all good. Have a nice one. Oh, feedback please (it's not perfect, yet). Thanks.
Chuck B
Edit: Forgot to mention that I only tried it in FSX Accel. I will fly it in FS9 tonight to see what has to be done to make it work there. Sorry.
Haven't posted any WIP shots because I've been involved with the C-119 Project and also because the texture for the fuselage portion of the HA-200 was so far off that nothing from the left side matched the rt side. Each side takes individual adjustments in some cases even within a particular portion of the red stripe graphics, in order to get things to line up. Terrible mapping.I started work on a new set of textures for the exterior (interior to follow), but wow, even those are way off. Lining up the two halves (left side/right side) is proving to be a real pain but I'll get it. I'll find a good set of "walkaround" photos so I can get the panel lines/rivets/placards and labels in the right areas at least. WIP as they say, lol