HU: Team FS KBT Lockheed WP-3D Orion Hurricane Hunter



How could this have escaped notice? Available at Avsim:




I saw this baby overfly KFUL two Saturdays ago at about 5000 feet. It was the sound that caught my attention (although, truth be told, any airplane noise will turn my gaze skyward.)
I don't know what it is about this particular plane. And I don't generally fly the bigger stuff due to all the instrumentation knowledge needed. But that top screen shot is pulling me towards it..saying "fly me. You know you want to". And, I do. That plane has the look of an eagle in the sky. Like it's meant to be there.

I can't resist it. Must download!!!

Thanks for bringing this one to my attention. Who knows, this might be a new direction for me in flightsim :jump:

Thank You Team FS KBT

About the sound?

The sound set used in this model is originally from Mike Hambly which was edited by Adrian Brausch as "LockheedP-3 Sound". Due to these great gentlemen, this model has come alive and I would like to thank them for creating such a great sound.

The read-me states sounds are used from the FS98 file Size: 166,271. Is this correct? The file seems very small?

FS98 sound packs are much smaller than FS9 sound packs due to the limited number of things that could have sounds in FS98. FS9 sound packs are much more complex and more environmental. I believe that only the engine sounds from the FS98 sound pack were used in the P-3's current sound package.

If I remember right, the engines are at least similar, if not the same engines that are in the C-130's. I've heard an Orion once from a distance, and seem to remember it's pretty close to what I used to hear back at Dyess.

I did a few mods to the cfg's in that series quite a while back to resolve somethings that weren't quite to my liking. If anyone's interested, here's what I did:

Add to every [fltsim.xx] section:

propeller_moi=60.000 //120.000 (so that they don't keep spinning forever...)

Alright..the file size sure is misleading.

I see there is a sound package at, but it's for FSX. Will that still work for FS2004 or no? It's a HUGE sound package!!!

Thank you

I did install the Hurricane Hunter. And (I figured) I have to go to "How to be an airline pilot for dummies" training. I loaded it up ready to take off. And, I did. Had no idea what the heck I was suppose to do when I saw all them dang panels. I started flipping switches everywhere. I hit the prop feather switches. Next thing I knew I crashed in the bay due to lack of power..hehehe. It sure is a nice model though!!!
It's a re-upload. holds it since 2005. But nonetheless, it's still an awesome aircraft!

I only wish FSKBT would have modified the Orion airframe to an appropriate Electra II...

Good catch Markus! I thought I had exercised due diligence by searching before posting. I searched for "KBT" + "NOAA" and "KBT" + "Hurricane" with no success. After I read your post, I looked again... it appears this is the only KBT original Orion not attributed to "KBT" (odd considering it's 6th in the line of Team FS KBT Orions).

I guess we could look at these reposts to Avsim as an excuse to re-discover and talk about some great freeware aircraft and scenery.

Ditto on a KBT L-188 Electra for FS9... I still maintain hope they'll see the error of their ways! :engel016:

@OleBoy: What I find compelling about the model is all the crap hanging off that once-beautiful airframe. KBT's ARIES II is the same way.
If I remember right, the engines are at least similar, if not the same engines that are in the C-130's. I've heard an Orion once from a distance, and seem to remember it's pretty close to what I used to hear back at Dyess.

That would make sense, as I recall Adrian Brausch was very much a Hercules specialist.