HU! UK2000 scenery packs now free

Thats very generous gift!
But before starting to install all those goodies, could somebody confirm that all parts will work with fs2004, as i see that some of those sceneries seems to be made before it was released?
Hi Kikas,

The higher number parts were made later, you won't have any problems with parts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 unless you already have more up to date scenery for some of the airfields that are included in the packs.

The texture and build quality is better on the parts Garry did latest, so that would be parts 5 thru 8.

Each pack installs into its own folder so they're easy to navigate and remove duplicates etc.

Thats' Linton On Ouse and Llanbedr in screenies



Very generous gift indeed. Kinda wish we could find the references to what parts cover what airfields but a free gift is a free gift.

Hi Kikas,

The higher number parts were made later, you won't have any problems with parts 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 unless you already have more up to date scenery for some of the airfields that are included in the packs.

The texture and build quality is better on the parts Garry did latest, so that would be parts 5 thru 8.

Each pack installs into its own folder so they're easy to navigate and remove duplicates etc.

Thats' Linton On Ouse and Llanbedr in screenies


Thank You, installed first part, no problems whatsoever and included setup sorts out everything very nicely without messing things up, really top class stuff.
Now only thing i have to sort out is Channel Islands themselves, as after gazillion reinstalls theres "stairs" of water everywhere...
There are options, realistic airline parking or not I believe.

edit - thinking deeper on your Q, I don't really understand what you mean. These are airports. Any improvement on default is to be applauded, and they are free. The realistic parking is relevant only if you possess some form of AI (WOAI e.g.).
Got them working only problem is it seems to have taken over from the ACG Duxford and Marham anyway I can remove these airports.
Got them working only problem is it seems to have taken over from the ACG Duxford and Marham anyway I can remove these airports.

If they work like the Just Flight packages that use these airfields (I think), you will need to find out which bundle includes Marham and Duxford, get their ICAO codes and remove the folders. That's what I had to do for each airport I had an alternative airfield I wanted to use.