HUD -- can you modify font color and size or location?


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When you show the HUD, I know you can move the blue text block with aircraft status around the screen. When I display the Coordinates, the red text box is stuck in the upper left corner. Can this text block be moved around the screen too? I can't get a hold of a "corner" of the block to do so.

Also, can the font size and/or color be changed for either text block? The blue color isn't so bad but that red is very hard for me to see.
At least the blue HUD text isn't hardcoded, I've changed mine. Look for <HUDText Color="0xFF0000FF"/> - the first two digits are opacity, after that normal RGB so basically OORRGGBB.

No idea about the red one, it may be fixed. At least nothing in that file.
At least the blue HUD text isn't hardcoded, I've changed mine. Look for <HUDText Color="0xFF0000FF"/> - the first two digits are opacity, after that normal RGB so basically OORRGGBB.

No idea about the red one, it may be fixed. At least nothing in that file.

I can confirm re blue!
I have made changes to viewui.xml but they don't seem to get loaded. Is there another step to make them active?
I just stumbled upon my own answer... there is a user copy of viewUI.xml in AppData\Roaming.

If I could change that red coordinate text I would be a happy camper.
It's the AppData one that needs changing, for example, this is one of mine

<Settings> <VirtualCockpitView FovScale="1.0" RotationRate="0.9" TranslationRate="0.5" VerticalLimit="0.3" LateralLimit="0.3" LightColor="255 50 50" DrawCockpit="true"/> <SpotView FovScale="1.0" ViewDist="128.07421875" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="13.7070981600609" NominalAngles_y="-1.82213049531392" VerticalDelta="25" LateralDelta="25" ZoomDelta="5.00" ZoomMin="5" ZoomMax="300"/> <ChaseView FovScale="1.0" ViewDist="188.684326171875" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="57.7669106941407" NominalAngles_y="-153.354408260886" VerticalDelta="25.0" LateralDelta="25.0" ZoomDelta="5.0" ZoomMin="5" ZoomMax="300"/> <FloatView ViewDist="5" ViewVerticalOffset="2.0" MaxTrackingOffset="30.0" HistoryTargetOffset="24" HistoryCameraOffset="48"/> <FlybyView StartViewDist="600.0" StopViewDist="600.0" ViewOffsetVert="5.0" ViewOffsetHoriz="10.0"/> <ObserverUI ForwardSpeed="600.0" LateralSpeed="600.0" VerticalSpeed="100.0" PitchSpeed="20.0" YawSpeed="20.0" JoyForwardScale="5.0" JoyLateralScale="5.0" JoyYawScale="5.0"/> <PlayerTargetView OffsetDist="25.0" OffsetHeight="2.5" ZoomVal="0.8" ZoomRate="1.0" ZoomMin="0.1" ZoomMax="10.0"/> <WeaponView ViewDist="20.0" ViewVerticalOffset="0.0" NominalAngles_x="3.0" NominalAngles_y="30.0" VerticalDelta="80.0" LateralDelta="80.0" ZoomDelta="10.0"/> <HUD Visible="0"> <Gauge1 Type="HUDAirspeed" pos="0.324 0.946"/> <Gauge2 Type="HUDCompass" pos="0.448 0.950"/> <Gauge3 Type="HUDAdi" pos="0.381 0.956"/> <Gauge4 Type="HUDAlt" pos="0.516 0.955"/> <Gauge5 Type="HUDVsi" pos="0.570 0.955"/> <Gauge6 Type="HUDText" pos="0.932 0.814"/> <Gauge7 Type="HUDPipper" pos="0.5 0.5"/> <Gauge8 Type="TacticalDisplay" pos="0.005 0.820" visible="1"/> <Gauge9 Type="TargetCone" pos="1.0 1.0" visible="1"/> <Gauge10 Type="LabelDisplay" pos="1.0 1.0" visible="1"/> <Colors FriendColor="0xFF0000FF" EnemyColor="0xFFFF0000" TargetColor="0xFFFFFF00" BogieColor="0xFFFFFFFF" GoalColor="0xFFAF00AF" HumanFriendColor="0XFF00FFFF" HumanEnemyColor="0xFFFF00FF"/> <HUDAdi BGImage="" BGPos="343 170" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="30 452" Size="68 120" Center="35 60" TableSize="3"> <DataTable Entry0="-90.0 -270" Entry1="0.0 0.0" Entry2="90 270"/> </Needle1> <Needle2 Pos="58 107" Size="7 11" Center="4 55"/> </HUDAdi> <HUDAdiMetric BGImage="" BGPos="343 170" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="30 452" Size="68 120" Center="35 60" TableSize="3"> <DataTable Entry0="-90.0 -270" Entry1="0.0 0.0" Entry2="90 270"/> </Needle1> <Needle2 Pos="58 107" Size="7 11" Center="4 55"/> </HUDAdiMetric> <HUDAirspeed BGImage="" BGPos="345 343" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="372 22" Size="104 25" Center="31 12" Offset="90" TableSize="9"> <DataTable Entry0="0.0 0.0" Entry1="50.0 8.0" Entry2="100.0 44.0" Entry3="150.0 89.0" Entry4="200.0 135.0" Entry5="250.0 185.0" Entry6="300.0 233.0" Entry7="400.0 263.5" Entry8="500.0 289.0" Entry9="700.0 344.0"/> </Needle1> </HUDAirspeed> <HUDAirspeedMetric BGImage="" BGPos="345 343" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="390 28" Size="86 15" Center="23 7" Offset="90" TableSize="11"> <DataTable Entry0="0.0 180.0" Entry1="100.0 195.0" Entry2="150.0 220.0" Entry3="200.0 240.0" Entry4="250.0 270.0" Entry5="300.0 292.0" Entry6="400.0 350.5" Entry7="500.0 380.0" Entry8="600.0 455.0" Entry9="700.0 495.0" Entry10="800.0 555.0" Entry11="900.0 615.0"/> </Needle1> </HUDAirspeedMetric> <HUDAlt BGImage="" BGPos="2 344" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="390 28" Size="86 15" Center="23 7" Offset="90"/> <Needle2 Pos="387 94" Size="78 20" Center="28 10" Offset="90"/> <Needle3 Pos="466 59" Size="24 27" Center="-45 14" Offset="90"/> </HUDAlt> <HUDAltMetric BGImage="" BGPos="2 344" BGSize="166 166" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="12 315" Size="28 20" Center="14 10" TableSize="3" WindowPos="0 45"> <DataTable Entry0="0.0 0.0" Entry1="8.0 151.0" Entry2="15.0 276.0"/> </Needle1> <Needle2 Pos="390 28" Size="86 15" Center="23 7" Offset="-90"/> </HUDAltMetric> <HUDCompass BGIMage="" BGPos="171 343" BGSize="168 168" BGscale="1.00" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="200 17" Size="134 134" Center="67 67" Offset="0"/> </HUDCompass> <HUDCompassMetric BGIMage="" BGPos="171 343" BGSize="168 168" BGscale="1.00" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="200 17" Size="134 134" Center="67 67" Offset="0"/> </HUDCompassMetric> <HUDText Color="0xFF99FF00"/> <HUDTextMetric Color="0xFF99FF00"/> <HUDVsi BGImage="" BGPos="3 5" BGSize="165 165" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="390 28" Size="86 15" Center="23 7" Offset="90" TableSize="9"> <DataTable Entry0="-20000 98.0" Entry1="-6000.0 98.0" Entry2="-4000.0 135.0" Entry3="-2000.0 185.0" Entry4="0.0 270.0" Entry5="2000.0 355.0" Entry6="4000.0 405.0" Entry7="6000.0 442" Entry8="20000 442"/> </Needle1> </HUDVsi> <HUDVsiMetric BGImage="" BGPos="3 5" BGSize="165 165" BGscale=".70" NeedleImage=""> <Needle1 Pos="390 28" Size="86 15" Center="23 7" Offset="90" TableSize="9"> <DataTable Entry0="-30 135.0" Entry1="-20.0 155.0" Entry2="-10.0 185.0" Entry3="-5.0 225.0" Entry4="0.0 270.0" Entry5="5.0 315.0" Entry6="10.0 355.0" Entry7="20.0 382" Entry8="30 405"/> </Needle1> </HUDVsiMetric> <TacticalDisplay BGIMage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="128 128" BGScale=".8" BackColor="0x1f0000FF" Mode="0"/> <TacticalDisplayMetric BGIMage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="128 128" BGScale=".8" BackColor="0x1f0000FF" Mode="0"/> <TargetCone/> <TargetConeMetric/> <HUDPipper BGImage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="64 64" BGscale=".70"/> <HUDPipperMetric BGImage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="64 64" BGscale=".70"/> <LabelDisplay BGImage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="32 32"/> <LabelDisplayMetric BGImage="" BGPos="0 0" BGSize="32 32"/> </HUD> <ViewUI Default="VirtualCockpitView"/> </Settings>