Bonjour Java2SRV,
Thank you for taking the time to answer my cry for Help !
I know about the topic that you refer to but I think that this goes a little deeper than that...
If we look at the exhaust effects, I would think that there are at least two categories that could apply. There is one that is put in the Lights section and which goes on when you either put the lights on or use an XML type of gauge programming like the one that I use when the plane is up and running. This one is from Krazy's gauge and enables the effect, without having to put on the lights when the engine is running at roughly 50% throttle...

All you need to do is find the correct location to set it up and you're in business...
The other one which is causing the problems actually is programmed somewhere in the
startup sequence and this is where you put your "engstrt" smoke and fire effect which lasts for just about 1 to 1.5 second when you start your engines.
The hidden programming enables the use of most "engstrt" effects as it
refers to the engine location and almost everybody is content with just some smoke to start with...

and without being too precise at that...!
But as in my case, I need to be precise and like my smoke and fire effect to come out of the exhaust tube and not from all around the engine where there should be no smoke unless the engine is on fire...
Building such an effect takes longer as you have to contend with the hidden programming which gives the engine location to the processor and uses the FX in relation to it...
As I said, this is the first instance that I find where the programming seems to have chosen from the start that the effect should go also on the other engine, without taking into consideration that it should not apply to this case since there is only one exhaust per engine...
So, when I finally get the exact location (and this location needs to be programmed in the effect itself) in relation to the engine settings, it puts the same on the other engine !
Hence, I get double effects for my money...
What i need is an idea as to what file houses these instructions so I can correct them and get back to having only one effect show.
Am I being clear as mud or what

I'm hoping that one of you will get the idea and direct me to the solution, eventually...
Thanks for your help,