Hunter ai for RNAS Brawdy

ian elliot

If you have the Brawdy scenery by Hooky and myself installed from last year, these files will add the new ai Hunters by John Young,, released at Flightsim last week.
Just download these files and overwite when ask'd, might want to back-up the old ones safe just in case :jump: .
cheers ian
Tried this the other night Ian Excellent! just what the place needed. If and when I get time I'll try and add a few to Yeovilton.

Thanks Hooky, still really enjoy flying from those airfields we did, i knew if we waited long enough, someone would come through with the right ai :icon_lol:.
As for Yeovilton, i think someone is working on FAA repaints for Nick Blacks F-4, think there's a post over at the MAIW forums, which is the model i like best :applause:
cheers ian
Thanks Hooky, still really enjoy flying from those airfields we did, i knew if we waited long enough, someone would come through with the right ai :icon_lol:.
As for Yeovilton, i think someone is working on FAA repaints for Nick Blacks F-4, think there's a post over at the MAIW forums, which is the model i like best :applause:
cheers ian

In the meantime there are a stack of repaints for the Martinez F-4K, covering most of the options (all at Flightsim) and somewhere I've seen a set of AI flightplans for them; not got them installed yet, but this Hunter stuff is giving me a kick up the backside.
i think Hooky made up a traffic file for the Martinez model but it was'nt included in the release, or maybe my mind's playing tricks with me, i may have had it myself but lost it i think when i swapped HD's a while back.
chees ian
i think Hooky made up a traffic file for the Martinez model but it was'nt included in the release, or maybe my mind's playing tricks with me, i may have had it myself but lost it i think when i swapped HD's a while back.
chees ian

No you're half right I did cook up a traffic file for Martinez F-4's at Yeovilton but I was waiting for the UKMIL AI Vixen to come out freeware before I could include it in the traffic file. the Plan was to then release a Traffic pack separately from the main release. But real world events took hold and I never got a chance to put it together I still don't know where I stand on the Vixen front but if I get a chance I'll go ahead and finish it.


Hooky :salute: