Hurricane and Spitfire crash pad


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These are alternate textures for the hurricane and Spitfire crashpad. The hurris and most spits use this texture which resides in the "aircraft/shared/BoB_Hurricane_MkI_Shared" folder.

The original is on the left, the middle is from a clodblitz screenshot and the right is the original clod hurricane texture.

Get it here :

I just need to inform that I created the above mod for my Bob install, I currently do not have Eto installed. I'm sure that some of the eto hurricanes will use this texture as well. You will just need to find the original texture in your eto "aircraft/shared" hurricane shared folders.
If I remember right, the BoB Spits and Hurries had different cockpit textures, but it was a long time ago! I used a lot of images from the Spitfire Spares website (with their permission) as I had this thing about looking at the real thing. How good that turned out is subjective.
They look really good btw, very 'leathery'!
Thanks Pat, the cockpit textures are different but most spits are using the hurricane texture crash pad .

Spit using the Hurricane texture crashpad


The mk1 spit 19 squadron uses the spit cockpit texture crashpad, a wood veneer finish with high reflectivity.

Hi Pat, what a great site, thanks for the link. The rubber pads are obviously old and probably petrified, it's difficult to tell what they might have looked like brand new. I see that the Gm2 mkIII sight pad has a stitched leather covering.

