I am miffed


FS Veteran
...... in fact, I used a lot stronger terminology, but since there are a lot of new flightsimmers here, I'll be nice.

Thing is, where MSFS2020 V5 worked fine 3 weeks ago when I first installed it...... it now doesn't run AT ALL anymore...... or when it does, not longer than a few minutes. Then it just disappears from memory.... Aaaaaaarrrghgh.

And I am trying to set things up to continue building my home cockpit.
Yes, I have been adding ' stuff'.... but so far it all kept working, until 2 days ago.

What did I add:
- Spad.next to get my Saitek (Logitech) Multipanel to work
- AirManager V4 to build my main instruments view for the cockpit
- The France/Benelux World Update
- the payware Bel 47 chopper
- 5 LLH payware airfields in France

Using the Saitek Multipanel, CH Pro yoke, CH Throttle Quadrant, Saitek rudder pedals.

I DID notice some irregularities in the USB department. I sometimes lose the yoke, pedal and Throttle.... I hear the USB leaving and coming back on again.

Oh, and 2 days ago my Anti-virus protection (Avast) popped up a window saying it found IDG.Generic (or something) in C:3\Flightsimulator.exe

I could not find the file, but sent it to the quarantine (where we all go these days right?), restarted the sim, and no problems.
Today it popped up the same message, now with C:\5 and C:\7 (no idea what it means).
Googled it and found that these are false positives from Avast..... so I corrected it.

But now the sim will hardly start at all, let alone run.

Dang !
Your USB problems might be a possible cause to investigate, but the very first thing to do in this kind of situation is to disable all of your addons (means, moving them out of the "Community" folder into a temporary folder, not deleting them) and try to run the sim again to see if the instability still occurs.
Interesting - I had a vaguely similar issue last night - All the recent patches / updates etc were loaded in early August, when everything worked fine. Haven't flown for some weeks so to be on the safe side cleared my community folder, then started up. Got just past the "checking for updates" bit with the progress bar approx 50% then CTD. Same thing happened multiple times. Tried turning off the box and leaving it for 30 minutes, but restarted and same again. Kept on trying and on the nth go it popped up with an update - I installed that and whoopee, the sim loaded.

Flew around a bit and all seemed OK, but haven't tried reinstalling anything into the community folder yet - and who knows what will happen if I fire it up this evening !

Pity because so far I've managed to avoid the probems that many others have had.
Francois, usb controller problems are usually traced to hubs. Some controllers do not like to be on a Hub, powered or not. Track IR is one such animal. Make sure all controllers are pugged directly into a computer usb port or a powered hub, but I am sure you already knew that. :)

Clear the community folder and see if it runs. Then add one scenery at a time. If you are using something like FSUIPC, copy and save the ini file then delete it. You can add the saved buttons and axises later.

If none of that works, right click on the Window's Icon go to the top where you will see Apps & Features. Click on that and scroll to Microsoft Flight Simulator. Click on it to open the dialog and click Advanced Option. Go down to Reset and click Repair. If you click on the other options it will reset everything. I would tru repair first. Downloading everything is a bitch.

Hope this helps
Have to agree with John regarding controllers not liking USB Hubs, especially CH. I have CH HOTAS as well as rudder pedals and I never could get any of them to work through a hub. They work as advertised when plugged directly into system USB receptacles.

Okay, thanks all !
Will try the USB direct instead of via my powered hub.
And the 'repair' option Jmig mentioned.

Already cleared my Community folder, and that didn't help. :pirate:
When I got an X56, which has separate USB leads for the throttle and stick, I faced this issue. I just changed the connections around until things worked. I found that a powered USB hub didn't help at all. I also found that the units don't necessarily mind being plugged into a hub, but the stick and throttle don't like being plugged into the SAME hub - I got ghost presses from my throttle when I tried this. They didn't even like being plugged into the same bank of USB ports in my PC (which, depending on how your PC is built, could effectively just be an internal USB hub.) I ended up with the throttle plugged into one of the back USB ports and the stick plugged into the front, and have had no more issues.

I had the issue of "no start"! It seemed like my virus program was stopping the sim form loading. I figured that it was very unlikely that the sim was infected (it was the "new" 20 gigs or whatever from M$oft) so I disabled my anti-virus program while FS2020 loaded. Once loaded I turned anti-virus back on. Sim loads now and no problem running it (at least for 30 minutes or so...about my attention span).
Great tips everybody, THANK YOU !

Plugged the CH Throttle and Yoke in the front USB panel, and the Saitek rudder in the back. May experiment some more.

At first attempt MSFS died again while I was selecting an airport as departure.......

The second attempt however had it start and allow me to make a flight of 30 minutes. So there seems to be some progress..... !! :wiggle:
Do Not start a flight with spad next running. wait till you are fully loaded in then start spad. I have the same issue if i start spad first. My ms2020 will crash 90% of the time. but if i wait to start spad once im in the cockpit it runs perfect.
Do Not start a flight with spad next running. wait till you are fully loaded in then start spad. I have the same issue if i start spad first. My ms2020 will crash 90% of the time. but if i wait to start spad once im in the cockpit it runs perfect.

Ah okay, will try that too ! Thanks !