I cannot see the flare cases...


Charter Member
...at the bomb bay when I fly other planes than the Wellington.
I can see their wonderful effects, though, no matter the plane I choose (B-25, Mossie, etc).
Is anyone having the same problem?


We had a few problems with the installer and not everything got loaded the way we intended. For example some aircraft loadouts were not updated the way they should have been. The DO-18 for example was supposed to have a mixture of flares and bombs but the new XDP did not get loaded. The mossies are not the final product either.

The new flare weapons are quite complicated, work differently and have different visual effects.

1. Buoy flare - Has a 90 sec delay and launches a flare from the ocean surface . It is visible when mounted in internal bomb bay of Welli.
2. Red, White and Green Sodium flare. The white sodium flares show up when mounted internally but the red does not. (The Wellie has white the Mossie has Red). The sodium flares ignite only when dropped in water, they will not work on land.
3. aircraft_flare - These flares represent small cylindrical flares that are dropped via chutes mounted inside the aircraft. The Sunderland, wellington and many other aircraft used these flare types. These will not have a visual model as chute flare dispensers are not modeled in our aircraft. Internal use only.
3. Red Candle Flare - This flare is not a cylinder but a 250 lb bomb casing. This is historically correct. They took a 250 lb bomb and packed it with multiple candles. This candle bomb explodes 900 feet above ground and leaves a burning candle pattern on the ground. Internal use only and has a visual model.
4. Paraflare - This is a larger cannister model of the aircraft_flare and is intended for external pylon mounting only and has a visual model. Currently it is installed on the Stuka only but it's use will be expanded later.

Again, the installer did not pick up and install all of the newly updated aircraft XPDs and some other items such as the Red Sodium Flare visual model.

These are minor known situations that will be corrected with the March update.

Hi Guys,

In addition to what Steve has mentioned there are a couple of other files that were left out.

1 was the second VC texture for the new Mk1a spitfire, this means some of the dials are not textured and the head rest cushion is not textured.

2 after running the hotfix I found a problem that hadnt been intisipated. most of the aircraft have two skins, by defualt its the high res skin thats set and the low res skin has one character changed out so that it doesnt render in game. this is reversed by the hi res low res skin application you have on your desk top short cuts for the ETO.

so in the update the skins are set up like this. however if your running your skins on low res, then when the update is applied you end up with two skins in your low res folder for the Lancaster OPS,

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion\aircraft\ETO_AvH_Lancaster_mk3_OPS\texture\2048

one skin has the character out of place and this is the new skin, the other has the correct name and this is the skin that should have been replaced by the new one, had the name matched.

so this means when you fly the lancaster your still going to see the old skin. which has the code letters back to front. they say OP-S when they should say PO-S. to fix this just navigate to yor lancaster folder as above and delete the correctly named skin from the low res folder, leaving the skin with one character out of place in the folder.

you will now see the lhigh res skin in game with the correct code letters and if you wish to go back to the low res skin re-run the skin application from your desktop or simple rename the two skins manually in the lancaster texture folder.

for the march update release I'll make sure the readme says place the skins into high res before running the update.

sorry for any confushion,

regards Rob.