You're quite right Casey, and Milton too. When I was approaching to land, adding in flaps, the nose-down pitch was severe enough to keep the main gear off the surface so the brakes wouldn't work. Hitting F5 on touch down allowed the aircraft to settle to engage the brakes.
But there is more going on here. The cfg is missing the Flight tuning section which limits lots of options for adjusting flight performance. There was no pitch line in the flap section to adjust. The aircraft, from a full stop and idle power setting, began to roll and pick up speed, and on final (dirty and minimum power) the aircraft will barely bleed off airspeed to about 100. Everything seems oriented to the Energizer Bunny mode. For starters you can try these for some fixes:
In the cfg Flaps section, type in the additional line "pitch_scalar=0.28" This seems to alleviate the nose down issue. It will pitch up very slightly until it stablizes but this will help the main gear touch the ground on landing.
Go to the Weight and Balance section and change the values of the empty_weight_CG_position sec to -0.800000,0.000000,0.000000, again to help push the mains down a bit.
I couldn't fix all the forward drift when on the ground in idle. I don't know of a ground roll friction adjustment. In other aircraft it can sometimes be fixed by reducing the static thrust value, but that also can cause new problems elsewhere. However, in the TurbineEngineData section reducing the static_thrust to 3500, and in the Propellor section, changing the value for minimum_on_ground_beta to 0.000 helped a good deal. It also changed the power curve enough so air speed could effectively be dropped to land. I found that I had to get down to about 80-85kts on touch down to keep from ballooning. That seems pretty slow for this aircraft.
Adding a FlightTuning section would need to lots more time to experiment with and could be used to improve many other areas. Until then hope these offerings help out some