I could use some help...Pat Pattle?


Staff member
Hey guys,

I know I work in CFS2, but I'm putting together a new British campaign in the Balkans that follows the Gladiator campaign, and I could use some research help.


I'm basically using the exploits of RAF 80 Squadron, RAF 33 Squadron, and RAF 112 Squadron, including sources from an Australian website, to build this campaign.

I asked a good friend if they could do some skins for RAF 80 Squadron, specifically Marmaduke "Pat" Pattle and Nigel Cullen.

"Pat" Pattle had a Hurricane Mk. I with the serial number V7724
Nigel Cullen had a Hurricane Mk. I with the serial number V7288

I'm looking for any source pictures....how these Hurricanes would have been painted, or any information on missions they flew between 20 February and the Battle of Athens / Evacuation of Crete.

If you can find any information on David Coke (Battle of Athens) and Roald Dahl, (Also Battle of Athens - And yes, this is the same one who wrote children's books after the war!) I'd love to get repaints for them as well!

Hi Rami,

Just about all I had to do with this campaign on PC was lost a couple of HD crashes ago. I had sent a list of all of his sorties with dates and weather etc. to Wulfmann for the MAW install missions but don't think they ever made it in.

The definitive book on Pattle is 'Ace of Aces' by ECR Baker but there's no pics! From the book the first Hurricanes arrived at Paramythia in Mid feb and their first sortie was on the 20th. I'm pretty certain that they were plain mk1's with standard day fighter camouflage as per the battle of britain. If you google for his aircraft there are a number of different schemes and serials shown but I'm not convinced that the BAFG Hurricanes had tropical filters as in the lower side view.





About all I can add is that yes, they were MkIs with the Vokes filter, and were painted in standard Temperate Day Scheme - Dark Earth and Dark Green - with single-colour pale undersides, presumably Sky by this date. They did not have the port wing painted black. Whether they carried underwing roundels is again open, but according to AMOs, they should have. The few photos in 'Ace of Aces' confirm this.

Not much help, is it!