I got a little confused...


I've been shadowing along the RTW race this year since I had the weekend off, making flights using the Duenna but NOT part of any team (AVSIM and SOH are the only teams running this year). After an afternoon nap I loaded up a flight from RPUJ to VMCC using the F7F-3 in P3Dv4. I went to the FSRTW website and was surprised to see ME on the map instead of Team AVSIM. SOH was proudly represented in brilliant green, but there I was in blue headed into Macao. Thinking I had somehow set my Duenna to one of the race teams, I quickly closed the Duenna to prevent confusion. So if anyone saw Team paiken on the RTW website I apologize for that. Completely unintentional.
Well, well.. it'll be alright. It will get cleaned up, but wouldn't it be better if you put on your SOH t-shirt and joined the fray? :listening_headphone

Extra pilots would have been an asset.
Do not worry about lurking. In order to grab all flights, anyone who turns on tracking would show up on the tracker but do not worry, it doesn’t affect the race at all. Thanks