I have become a believer... P3D is the way forward!


I have become a believer, P3D is the way forward!
I got P3D V1 back when it arrived, but it never convinced me and I reverted back to FSX as my main sim. Not least was it all the addons and addon modules (REX, accu-feel, aicarrier etc) which made me stick with the old sim.
Having seen some of the reviews of P3D V2.5 about smoothness, sharpness, high fps, environmental effects like object lightning etc I decided to give it another try and I was blown away, it looks so much better straight out of the install that it is almost impossible to go back to FSX now… And most of all my old addon stuff is working just great in the new sim. Only really Tacpac which is missing, but that is coming soon from what I have read. The flight feeling is so much better than FSX, the difference was a lot bigger than I anticipated.
Only really the HDR lightning which may need a slight tweak and that was easily done in the HDR.hlsl file.

And as a Norwegian, Norway has never looked so good in a simulator. ORBX Norway and the flightsimnorway.com airport sceneries are a stunning combination.
Highly recommended!
I am with you JensOle, just installed V2.5, maxed it out and still a smooth experience. As soon as TacPak is ready for P3D I will likely make the final jump to P3D.
Looking into P3D now.. Thinking of getting the $10 a month deal today. Its the latest version of it and is a cheap way to have a look around.

What License's are others using ?
Hold on! you installed ORBX/FTX? I thought an update for it was necessary?

I've ditched FSX altogether after years of tweaking and frustration. But I sorely miss my FTX Global, Norway and UK!


ORBX stuff needs an update for working in V2.5, but you can still use it with a manual activation in the scenery menu (all their sceneries have ordinary folder structure, scenery, mesh etc) and Norway is working just great except for the roads and lc (I use the scenery, mesh and a freeware lc/road until the orbx program is updated).

REX, aicarrier and accu-feel works perfect just out of the box with V2.5
Tip for the FTX G users: If you copy the terrain.cfg.file from the program data folder to the root of p3D, the FTX Central will work. Afterwards you will have to copy it again to the program data folder of P3D.

Also, when booting P3D, you'll get a warning that the objectflow.dll generates an error, simply indicate that you do not want to run it..

Hope this helps us out while we wait for an update by ORBX!

Sounds even smarter! Which terrain.cfg file is you using and if it is in p3d 2.5, where can I find it?
Hi Jens,

The terrain.cfg file I'm using is located in C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2

Copy that to the root of P3d, let FTX central run, and then copy it back to C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2



EDIT: make sure you have hidden folders unselected in the folder options!
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Everything everyone is saying about P3D V2.5 is true. There is no doubt in my eyes this version is the best yet. I am considering complete conversion from FSX to P3D. I have used the technique of putting scenery.cfg and terrain.cfg back into the P3D folder to install most of my FTX/Orbx programs but for most it would be better to wait for the FTX Central and ObjectFlow updates. You can see a couple of my pics in the P3D forum under the P3D v2.5 is out thread. There are some comments about fixing the lighting there that have made me a believer. The pictures are with the lighting change. Enjoy!!
. . . . .but you can still use it with a manual activation in the scenery menu (all their sceneries have ordinary folder structure, scenery, mesh etc) . . . . . . .
I had to do a reinstall of FTX Global and FTX Vector, and while the vector files were placed in the scenery library, the Global files were not. I was going to manually add them however when checking the folders in P3D I don't see anything except the Vector/LC folders. Where is all the Global/Base stuff located?
Ok, that does it, I am downloading 2.5 now! Uninstalled 2.4, and looking forward to this! NC

Update: Ok, so my first attempt at downloading the update failed. Now beginning SECOND attempt. Grrr......:banghead:
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I had to do a reinstall of FTX Global and FTX Vector, and while the vector files were placed in the scenery library, the Global files were not. I was going to manually add them however when checking the folders in P3D I don't see anything except the Vector/LC folders. Where is all the Global/Base stuff located?

That is because the terrain.cfg now only resides in the program data folder of P3D Falcon. You'll have to copy it to the root of P3D and after having run FTX central, copy the file again to the program data folder.

It's a drag, I know, but at least you'll be able to enjoy FTX G until the patch for it comes out!
Just did it for the Norway pack and it works great! Thanks for the advice! Now the entire package is working.
I'm really impressed how it flies out of the box with my system! Thanks guys for the info in getting a temp fix on FTX stuff.
Considering how 'high' my system specs are [now] I probably should be running this too...
...so have paid the dosh and am downloading [it'll take forever...Oz ISPs are crap].

If an i7 5960x with 32gig of DDR4, 4gig GTX980 card and the OS [and games] on a M.2 4x 'drive' in a M.2 4x socket can't handle it I'll go heave...;)
Of course...at 15 minutes [allegedly] per cab I'll be too old to run it when it gets here...;)
Yes, P3Dv2.5+ is the way forward. I don't see any reason to switch to FSX:SE. In fact, if I were to look at the successes of both groups, LM will be committed to it for years and years to come because it is now in the simulation training arena. And there's no end in sight to it's real world application. Once Steam finds it no longer popular, it will cease updating. Plus, with v2.5 it's SUPER smooth! Almost everything maxed and it's running better than I've ever run FSX, and I've got all the goodies enabled that come along with P3D... :)