I have something to say to the OFF developers



You people have quite possibly, single-handedly, saved CFS3. Between the work you guys did with the people from naturalpoint, in order to get TrackIR to work under Vista and Vista64, and now solving the last great problem of multiplayer in vista for CFS3 players. I don't think the average player realises how important that is. I wonder if you guys yourselves realise how important that is. Step back, take a look, and really pat yourselves on the back because if you did absolutley nothing else more, your contributions to keeping CFS3 going for future players is outstanding. Now, on top of all that, you are releasing an addon that will define all addons to come with what you have been able to do with the engine. I cannot praise you enough when I think about it. Thank you and everyone on SOH that uses this and CFS3 forum should thank you.

I salute you!

idd nothing more to add on this, we must be gratefull for the poeple that put there time in this add ons
what a refreshing post pol

for those who dont know,Pole is once again a ''daddy'':applause: and i am sure he fills the roll admirably.
