I hope you're happy!


Rick Rawlings

This is for those of you who pooh-poohed my idea of awarding myself the ace alloted plane even though I was an ace in the squad, but the file treats all memebers of the flight the same:

During a scramble mission I was winding my way aloft in my Nieuport 11 when I caught sight of a few Albatross DIIs diving down on us. I turned towards them to bring on the fight and in a few moments the battle was joined! I had no problem getting on the tail of one of the DII's and peppering him here and there with Lewis gun rounds but due to his superior speed and the presence of his buddy, he would constantly manage to get lateral seperation on me and I would have to work my way back behind him. Needless to say it was taking a while to bring him down but I was persistant! As I came behind for another go at him I noticed a plane falling from the sky like a leaf on the wind. I got a sinking feeling in my stomach as I noticed it was one of our tripes! Thinking I was seeing one of our aces meet his end, imagine my surprise and then displeasure as he righted himself at the last second, swung himself in behind my (MY) Albatross and droped him with one long burst!
Roderic Dallas had poached my kill!
Well, that eveing in the canteen Dallas comes in with his cronies bragging about how the fight had gone and, catching me out of the corner of his eye and pitching his voice just so commented on how one of "our boys" was having trouble with an Albatross and he had to step in and save the day. He then swung out of the room flashing me a glace with a big tripe eating smile on his face.

DALLAS!!!!!!!! :a1451:

So, yes, I will bide my time, but one day, ONE DAY, the great Roderic Dallas will be left in the dust by the mighty Rother Naught!

It really has turned into a time machine, hasn't it!
Please sir, may I have another? Tell us some more Rick.
Hey, Rick,
shall I start a Campaign in 1916, with an Albatros D II, and shoot that Texan Tripehound down (as you can hardly do it)?
I know, how that feels - I was short before opening fire on a Fokker D VII, who did the same to me. Me, in an Albatros D Va, doing solid dogfighting, and there comes Herr Überflieger with his high tech crate, throwing his cigar out of the cockpit, that burnt a hole into my cancas, and gives my claim a quick burst, as if he could no longer see him suffering! Rats!! The D VII should have their own hunting areas and be forbidden round my airfield, for bad taste; as it looks like a cardboard box!!!
And if Herr Überflieger should ever fly through my gunsight again - ooops! Too late; couldn't stop it anymore...
I know, how that feels - I was short before opening fire on a Fokker D VII, who did the same to me. Me, in an Albatros D Va, doing solid dogfighting, and there comes Herr Überflieger with his high tech crate, throwing his cigar out of the cockpit, that burnt a hole into my cancas, and gives my claim a quick burst, as if he could no longer see him suffering! Rats!! The D VII should have their own hunting areas and be forbidden round my airfield, for bad taste; as it looks like a cardboard box!!!
And if Herr Überflieger should ever fly through my gunsight again - ooops! Too late; couldn't stop it anymore...

Thank you good sir! It is nice to see that I am not the only fellow wallowing in obscurity while lesser talents reap the reward! I know that we must be enemies, but should we ever meet, my finger will hesistate on the trigger!

Rick (Rother Naught) Rawlings
Rick, I regard it like this: I'm not your enemy. How could I be your enemy, when I never met you? We are opponents - each of us fighting for their Fatherland.
For some pilots, it must have been hard - they had friends or relatives in the other nation.
And I really have English friends.

Tell me, which plane you fly, and what Squadron. And when we should meet - my guns might, dammit, jam...