I know I asked this before

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Although I know I asked this before ,I can't find it in the search. Some of my scenery, Free Flow Burmuda, Netherlands 2000 and some I can't remember have white blocks or round tank like thingys. I've downloaded as many scenery librays as I can find but still get the white slabs and round stuff.
What causes this?
If you have white blocks etc then you are missing some textures or, more likely, the textures are not in the correct folder. I know this is asking a lot, but any idea which scenery is causing the issue - i.e. what part of the virtual world are you seeing this in - as this might help narrow down the search a little?
9 out of 10 times this means that you are missing the texture files for Gerrish Grey's tree library.
I think it is called Trees_V3.zip at Flightsim.com

The textures are mostly Freeflow Burmuda and Netherlands 2000.

Also I have Gerrish Trees Libary V3 in my scenery folder
FS should be finding them there in the main scenery texture folder, I don't remember what the readme with the trees recommends. What ever that recommendation is I would follow.

Alternatively you could place the textures in Addon Scenery\NL 2000(or what ever it is called)\textures

If you can post a screenshot showing the white cubes, just in case it is not trees but some other object you are missing textures for.

don't have the software

I don't have the necessary software ,like a photo program to do the screen shots. So I'll live with the white cubes and call them windbreaks . Thanks Stefan for trying to help.
If you can live with it that's fine, but you do have a very basic way to make a screen shot.

If you normally use FS in FullScreen mode press ALT+ENTER to switch to windowed mode.
Then press the PRNT SCREEN button on your key board
Minimize FS for the moment
Open the default windows PAINT program
In paint Press CTRL+V or in the header bar click Edit and then PASTE
Save the bitmap as JPG.

Thankyou Stefan

Thankyou for the info on how to do a screenshot, I will print it out and when I'am feeling better reinstall paintshop (which I deleted because I thought I'd never use it )and give it a try.
I shouldn't have asked this question now because my anixity and depression are both bad .So when I'am feeling better I'll try it and send the shot.
Thanks again Stefan ,youve helped me out many times over the years and I'am very grateful.