I know I'm steppin on somebody's toes . . But



In the name of all that's Holy . .. Why did I lose a perfectly readable compass. For a compass rose that's difficult to see at best, impossible on a quick glance. As long a we're complaining, I don't personally like the numbers on the TAC, but at least they serve a purpose.

A very good favorite cheat, was to drag the compass Into the center of the TAC, both worked, as the compass rose does now. But you need to focus on it, not just glance

RANT OVER, I feel much better now :banghead::violent::banghead:
I heard a rumor (rumour?) that the Dev Team is working on a way to display the TAC on the base of a giant targeting cone, just for you! Of course that'll require that the virtual cockpit is disabled, but auto-mixture, trim, invincibility and unlimited fuel and ammo will be on by default.:173go1:
Surely a evil rumor started in the officers Mess. Because I refuse to use the tagetting cone, luminecent or plain and those bright yellow brackets, I believe they're to be located right near the coin slot.
However Auto Mixture I admit having on all my aircraft, which is the same for about 60% of the pilots here.

Unlimited Ammo makes little sense with guns that jam-up due to the heat generated by prolonged fire

In Phase 1, I actualy tried Invinsability
You COULDN'T Land, as soon as your wheels turned, CFS3 saw a crash, and ( POOF ) you found yourself at 1000 feet :Banane57:
Compass and gauge fix


Here is a solution for your compass and other gauges.
In your ViewUI file, C:\Documents and Settings\XXXXX\Application Data\Microsoft\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\ViewUI.xml, change your settings to what is below and it looks much better. It lines them up at the bottom with space between them. Use Notepad to change.

<HUD Visible="1">
<Gauge1 Type="HUDAirspeed" pos="0.311 0.907" />

<Gauge2 Type="HUDCompass" pos="0.495 0.907" />

<Gauge3 Type="HUDAlt" pos="0.680 0.907" />

<Gauge4 Type="" pos="0.70 0.8" />

<Gauge5 Type="" pos="0.90 0.8" />

<Gauge6 Type="HUDText" pos="0.83 0.2" />

<Gauge7 Type="HUDPipper" pos="0.5 0.5" />

<Gauge8 Type="TacticalDisplay" pos="0.1 0.1" visible="1" />

<Gauge9 Type="TargetCone" pos="1.0 1.0" visible="0" />

<Gauge10 Type="LabelDisplay" pos="1.0 1.0" visible="0" />

For a WW1 compass instead? Sheez I don't know why we did that... ;)