i know winder is a busy man------buuuuut


happy flying to all
will each patch you release have the previous patch you make included in the newest patch?
i keep everything in a phase-3 folder and was woundering if we have to patch in sequence if we do a reinstall or the one patch fits all.

Given the sizes involved and the fact i still have dial up, I hope each patch comes separately. I usually burn a CD with the patch after download and install, makes re-loads easier.
Yes Patch 1.2 will take 1.0 or 1.1 up to 1.2 - will be no bigger than 15Mb all being well.

And unless the patches get very large there will only ever be one patch to download for OFF to take any version to latest.


What a great way to do it

Much appreciated .


for those with dial-up
Get a free dl manager, put the file you want on download ------and go to bed. should have it by morning.