I must be getting olde and the AI are ...


Charter Member
much,much better. So, when I was younger, and didn't have glasses, and felt more vibrant, and less tired, I used to revel in attaining a percentage enemy aircraft hit @40 or so. 50 % on a great day, 30 % when there was too much vino the night before. So .........is there any possibilty of adding this back to the game, or have I just missed it some where on the Sim?


You've missed it - set your vulnerability setting appropriately...

It is a war that's on...

But seriously this is one we cannot win - if we make it easy we are at fault - if we make it hard we are at fault but probably closer to historical accuracy - we have even made it in between....and we were wrong.

At one stage we had too many flamers and we were heavily criticised - now I see a posts that we have not got enough!

I can see MVR coming back and reporting how he is disappointed that the Britsche Craft only seldom burst into flame...
And I have to say that no matter what we do someone will moan.

Given the sales (and posts like this and many other examples are actually killing us) I think we will wait a long while to see what needs changing - if anything....we will simply hold our course now


I think you want BHaH-OTH 62.3 Version. The screens are twice as big, so all the lettering you will not need glasses to read or see the planes. All the planes are piloted by 60 year olds and up so their reflexes will match your, along with the ground flak crews, which at times take breaks to play bingo.

WM, I do think it has a bug though, all the pilots keep waving to turn right but continue to fly straight and level. Would you please look in to this, thanks.


BHaH Over The HillVersion.
Leutenant British,
pull yourself together, man!
Stand straight, and try to make a face, that doesn't discourage our youngsters!
AHHH! Much better! Now go and polish your glasses - you wanna hit some enemies next flight, I suppose?!
My god - a man is as old as he feels! So stop feeling old - dead simple!
Or even better: stop feeling at all; climb into your crate, and show the rookies, what the word "experience" means.
Shall we get that done? Ah - an icy smile is better than no smile!
Off we go - heard of some Jasta 12 aces south-west of Douai.
Go and make them a nice Irish stew! That's all - much luck, old chap!
Arh - forget the "old", okay?
You will find that once you reach a certain age ( different for everyone), your vision, along with your reflexes, start to erode.
It can be a gentle decline, or it can be a terrible tumble down the slippery slope.

For myself, many feats I accomplished at 53, I'm damn thankfull that they've been done, because I now know that physically I can no longer do them. . . . and I've tried. Some day we all realize, that we're not in Kansas anymore.

It all boils down to, when the bowl is full of lemons, make Lemonaide :kilroy:
I used to revel in attaining a percentage enemy aircraft hit @40 or so .........is there any possibilty of adding this back to the game, or have I just missed it some where on the Sim?

If this is just about not seeing the hit stat's anymore, they can be turned on in the workshop area.

If you don't shoot until really close like always, the new AI shouldn't affect hit percentages...but certainly we all won't get the chance to shoot them up close as often as before.
hi British, do you have TIR? If you don't, it might be just what u need to ease your pain, especially against new AI
Thanks all, feeling better now, but just a comment Winder

This post wasn't about "flamers" it was about after battle stats.

This post will have no influence on sales. as the older sim enthusiasts will purchase because they want the whole experience, and the young want a challenge.

This was not a criticism, although one's interpretation could certainly construe any comment as negative, depending on one's vantage point.

Thoroughly enjoy P3 and look forward to more. The patch's seem to have sorted out most of the minor issues.


As 77scout says British if you want % stats, turn them on in workshop. Oh and try novice/vet for the AI?
This post wasn't about "flamers" it was about after battle stats.

This post will have no influence on sales. as the older sim enthusiasts will purchase because they want the whole experience, and the young want a challenge.

This was not a criticism, although one's interpretation could certainly construe any comment as negative, depending on one's vantage point.

Thoroughly enjoy P3 and look forward to more. The patch's seem to have sorted out most of the minor issues.



Based on the posted OFF 3 player ages I'm in the top "old" category....but unlike with first person shooters I play, this sim is more about - as I've learned from others here - control and flight characteristics of each aircraft vs having a high "twitch factor" (hand/eye coordination). And that sure includes opponents aircraft advantages and disadvantages.

Can I hit my target one on one? Yup. Can I survive in a furball...not so far. But then I'm flying this sim at 90% realism (everything except mixture control) and should I finally get past 3 or 4 missions in the game I'll probably have to learn how to handle the fuel mixture to be able to compete at high elevations. Until then, I'm resisting the urge to fly on easy settings ... and enjoying the experience. That, and remembering to keep my room door shut to help muffle the obscenities the always accompany getting shot down... :mad:
OVER50: Until then, I'm resisting the urge to fly on easy settings ... and enjoying the experience. That, and remembering to keep my room door shut to help muffle the obscenities the always accompany getting shot down... :mad:


So, with 69 even, we may not be any wiser - I know, what you mean in your last line: I sometimes scream at the walls, and I shouldn't be asthonished, when the police would ring, having some men with an armless jacket with them.

I'm 61 years old (how many here are older than me?) and I'm in a bit better shape than when I was young and my eyesight is now 20/15 whereas when younger I wore glasses. I know the years, the wars, and my lifestyle have taken away some things, I feel sharp as ever even though it's inevitable that my reactions are not what they used to be.

I've been into flight games since 1982 when I got my first Atari 400 computer and "Star Raiders". I was a beta tester for Microprose in the '80's for their "Hellcat Ace" and "Spitfire Ace" flight sims (still Atari machines).

I still use the old Thrustmaster FLCS-16 stick, TQS throttle and Pro Rudders and I'm currently playing CFS3, the ETO expansion, IL2 Sturmovik, the Call of Duty series and T34 vs Tiger battle tanks. I still build my own computers, a new one every few years to keep up with the newest stuff.

OFF is hands down the best software on my maching right now and the one I play the most. Since the 1.2 patch it's enjoyment for me has increased much now with the new claims choices. It's all a matter of what you enjoy and what keeps you young. I think I'm still pretty sharp in my "old age". OFF is not overly difficult even at my age, you just have to keep looking behind you just like real pilots do. If you don't... well.... you know what happens.

Now.... if I can just remember to feed the dog. :faint:
