I need help


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
I need one or two folks to test my Halifaxes before I release them to the world. If you are interested let me know ASAP!!!! I want to get these out in a few days.

Send me an email to this address:


Thanks for those of you who volunteered. Hopefully, we will get these out soon. The Lancasters are just waiting a main cockpit upgrade and they should be out. The lancs have been tested so it is a matter of posting them. They are Avh models but, Kevin has not been around so, if no one objects I'll load these here. If I need to change the name from Avh to something else, one of you admin types let me know. I do not believe that Greg P. or Kevin will mind just want to keep the peace (given the season and all).