I need screenshot help!!


Charter Member
Ok keep having a problem with taking screenshots in FS9. I was using snapper, and halfway through a flight it would stop taking screenshots of the sim, and would instead just take a capture of my desktop. I thought it was the program, so I downloaded and installed one called "Mcgrab" or something....and it did the same thing!!! Halfway through the flight it crapped out and just took grabs of the desktop!!! Is there a setting in windows7 that I am missing that needs to be altered in order for these programs to not 'die' halfway into a flight??? Anyone that has any insight, it would be much appreciated!
Snapper (freeware)

http://www.ovosoft.net/snapper is the homepage for SNAPPER. Freeware capture pgm that works for me in both XP and WIN7 OSs. Use it daily to capture sceens within FS2004 and never a problem. Good luck. Take care. (Link still live and working as of today!)

Edmoore235, Snapper is what he's already using.
Felixthreeone, I'm currently using Snapper also after getting a recommendation from Willy. I like the fact that it prints the current location on the image. I don't know of any reason why Win7 would be causing the problem however as I use it also in Win7 and other than making sure that your setup specifies what area to capture, I have no real solution for you.:salute:
**** as my boss would say. For me, Snapper has not been a problem - sorry I am no help today. Take care. Ed
Found the problem: My issue apparently is the fact that I occasionally 'tab-out' of flightsim to check on stuff; and this, coincidentally, is 'shutting down' my screenshot programs.....If, on the other hand, I simply switch from full-screen to windowed mode it doesn't disconnect from FS. It pauses FS, but the screenshot programs still remain active. Not sure exactly WHY they do this, but I just flew 2 seperate flights with no screenshot problems at all. Interesting.
Yea, that's weird since the screenshot program really has nothing to do with FS and should run constantly in the background unless you physically shut it down. I don't see how FS would have any control over a program that runs independent of it. Very odd.
Yea, that's weird since the screenshot program really has nothing to do with FS and should run constantly in the background unless you physically shut it down. I don't see how FS would have any control over a program that runs independent of it. Very odd.

...Ya know Ed...I thought the same thing. The screenshot program (whichever is running) isn't shutting down, per se; It was still working, but not taking screens from FS anymore; So, whatever it is that I am doing when 'tabbing' out of FS seemed to be the issue. So, I just won't do that anymore lol

I don't see how FS would have any control over a program that runs independent of it. Very odd.

This screenshot proggy is not completely independent of FS2004 .. cause he collect infos from FS2004 (location .. tutti quanti) and also need FSUIPC.
So that can be linked with the OP problem.
Well, I thought I was doing pretty good with Snapper, however now it has decided to, on it's own, drop all the setup information I gave it and start throwing all the screenshots onto the desktop. Not only that, but rather than just catch the main monitor image, it is capturing both monitors, which means the location info is printed on the wrong part of the image, lol.

This is the second time it's done that to me in the past week. I may end up going back to my original utility. . .it did a great job, I just liked the idea of the location info being printed for me.
Go into Options/Settings/General

Make sure that Pause on task switch is not checked. This will not help the screen shooter program but will stop the pausing when you move out of FS for a few minutes.