I really like OFF P3 but ...



Let me make it quite clear. I think the graphics are superb. I enjoy taking off in my Se5a; I love flying around admiring the countryside; I get a thrill out of landing successfully afterwards but ...

I just do not enjoy the Dogfight part of QC. It is like trying to catch a butterfly whilst chasing it on the back of another. It is probably down to my age but find it impossible to get on his tail or hold my own aircraft steady to get a shot at him. When a miracle occurs and I get behind him and spray him with a full burst, it has absolutely no effect upon him!

And that bl**dy siren! If I could find out where the incessant catterwauling was coming from, I'd nail the b*st*rd turning the handle. Is there any way of turning it off?

I have everything set to 100% Realism; leastwise I did have until I got fed up with having to recruit a new pilot everytime I pranged me aircraft and selected Pilot Never Dies. For this heinous departure, I find that my Realism has dropped by 50%!

Is there any way that old fogies like me can suppress the youthful exuberance of the enemy AI and fit children's bicycle stabilizers to my own kite?
Let me make it quite clear. I think the graphics are superb. I enjoy taking off in my Se5a; I love flying around admiring the countryside; I get a thrill out of landing successfully afterwards but ...

I just do not enjoy the Dogfight part of QC. It is like trying to catch a butterfly whilst chasing it on the back of another. It is probably down to my age but find it impossible to get on his tail or hold my own aircraft steady to get a shot at him. When a miracle occurs and I get behind him and spray him with a full burst, it has absolutely no effect upon him!

And that bl**dy siren! If I could find out where the incessant catterwauling was coming from, I'd nail the b*st*rd turning the handle. Is there any way of turning it off?

I have everything set to 100% Realism; leastwise I did have until I got fed up with having to recruit a new pilot everytime I pranged me aircraft and selected Pilot Never Dies. For this heinous departure, I find that my Realism has dropped by 50%!

Is there any way that old fogies like me can suppress the youthful exuberance of the enemy AI and fit children's bicycle stabilizers to my own kite?

Select bombers (two-seaters) for your QC targets and put their gunners on wide-spread in the workshop first. They do turn, but nothing like the fighters do.

All the AI require a fair amount of lead to put down, unless you can nail the engine or pilot. Most of the plane is fabric and wood, so most of your rounds are doing little but punching holes. Get in close is the best advice and give them repeated 3-second bursts. Quite often they'll look like they're still going but they eventually go into the ground. Makes claims a pain of course. :icon_lol:
I do not know about the bicycle stabilizers but you have those possibilities:

1. In Workshops change the bullet/weapons spread
2. In Workshops select unlimited ammo but beware the gun jams by only making short bursts
3. Learn the AI. I mean they are just computer coded and react within limited variety. They are not learning but behave always the same. For example I found out that Camel pilots try to shake you off by changing directions pretty quick but they always do at least two changes in very short order, so be prepared.
4. Use the target cones
5. Close in and aim at man and engine
6. Get a TrackIR, that helps your situational awareness immensely

As I am somewhat younger than you and I only need option 3, 5 and 6 :gossip:

Edit: P.S. Fly for the German side because the British have big bulls eyes on their planes, that helps for aiming ... lol
