I surrender ...


Charter Member
Frequently, but not always, when I try to start ETO I get the opening screen and then a message saying "Another copy already running."

There is no other activity showing, and I did leave the last session by the proper path.

What give? How do I fix this?

Mercy ...

If you exit from the main screen you must use Ctrl+Shft+Q.

Use Ctrl+Alt+Del to check your open processes for extra copies running in the background.
You're running Windows 7, I expect and Major Magee is right on it: CFS3 doesn't properly shut down in Win7 and leaves a cfs3.exe process running. This happens whether you use the menu to shut down or Alt-F4.

As the Major says, Control-Shift-Q will shut the sim down cleanly.
I find it does shut down on 7 IF you leave it in game and exit CFS3 but not if you close the mission or whatever and then exit.
I surrender (still surendered)

If you exit from the main screen you must use Ctrl+Shft+Q.

Use Ctrl+Alt+Del to check your open processes for extra copies running in the background.

When I do that there is nothing running. Thanks for the reply.

I am still surrendering

You're running Windows 7, I expect and Major Magee is right on it: CFS3 doesn't properly shut down in Win7 and leaves a cfs3.exe process running. This happens whether you use the menu to shut down or Alt-F4.

As the Major says, Control-Shift-Q will shut the sim down cleanly.

Thanks, will try Control-Shift-Q because the control+alt+delete does not work.

Appreciate the reply. Will try and if it solves the problem will let you know.


I think under Windows Vista and under Windows 7 that to get to the "Task Manager" the keyboard shortcut is:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

-- then you'll click on the "Processes" tab (second from the left a the top) and you'll be looking for "cfs3.exe" in the list of running programs.

Going from memory since I don't have a '7' box booted up in front of me.

Hope that helps,


I think under Windows Vista and under Windows 7 that to get to the "Task Manager" the keyboard shortcut is:

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

You're right Java, but the Major is describing access to the system page with options to Log off, Switch user etc: the last option being Start Task Manager. Ctrl+Shift+Esc is quicker.

We learn something new every day :salute:, like yesterday my oldest son just clicked on his user icon on the Start menu to access password, user icon and suchlike options. I nearly fell backwards with surprise!
As I said, one can do ctrl alt del and then start task manager etc., but quicker just to go into QC,start and exit CFS3 WITH QC running. The same if one is using the m3d feature; stay on open file and exit from there.