I think I've seen this before


Charter Member
Does anyone recall that Adobe Air Installer thing. Okay, after a OS reinstall and up and running, a few things went in such as the latest Adobe Reader. Something tells me this is the culprit. After down loading (CFS1 utilities from the 45th) and some file tweeking, such as putting in Nav Fighter Panel and some gauge files for CFS1, I'm looking through the Aircraft Folders and wondering just what the heck. Only in the aircraft folders is where I see this "Adobe Air or dot air." This also includes CFS3.

Did this happen because Adobe Reader was installed before CFS1 and CFS3 went in? I don't suppose it's because they rhyme with each other? This is the file pathway....C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat.com\META-INF\AIR. And then there's the Aircraft Folders, with the letters "air" being in them.

I tested the game after new panel upgrade "and" after finding this fluke. Game works okay. However, I'm a little concerned. Will this bugger up something in the near future?

And last but not too long-winded, should I nix this Adobe dot com, plus everything else related to it "or" perhaps take the Adobe dot com folder and move it so it resides outside of "Program Files"? Something tells me I don't really need it.

Also, will other games that aren't Flight Sim related be affected?

That's enough questions.
Adobe AIR

~S~ Sky,

Ditch the Adobe AIR program only or it will shut down all .AIR files. It got me several times. Vista was installing it on its own.

Under the aforementioned pathway, the folder named "AIR" has an application within it and it is an XML document. It also contains "hash" and "publisherid" files. So should I ditch just the XML document or the entire "AIR" folder? I hope this is what you are referring to.

Also, there is another folder in Adobe. The other is the parent folder for Reader (Reader 9.0). Within it is another "AIR" folder. It has only one dll file, PDF Plug-In for Firefox. I assume I don't be concerned with it.


I forgot to mention. Should I clean out all of those Air files from both my CFS1 and CFS3?
To AIR is human.

Remove the Adobe Air main file and all it contains. The Adobe 9, should be fine. Open your cfs/aircraft/P51D or what ever and look at the Air file. If it looks like a sheet of paper you are OK, if it looks sort of like a box with a ribbon on it, check for more Adobe Air folders. When you go onto the internet and you are told that Adobe wants to update your computer click no. I hope this helps,

Adobe Air has been reeking havoc with flight sim .air files, not just CFS.
the program replaces .air files with Adobe Air files making the Aircraft inoperable.
like Johnny said, get rid of Adobe Air. it is not compatible with flight sims.
Update....Looked at Control Panel> Add Remove Programs,and found these.
1. Adobe AIR
2. Adobe Flash Player Plugin
3. Adobe Reader 9

I uninstalled Adobe AIR. I then looked through my Aircraft Folders and wudayuknow, anything that is .air is now back to the way it should look.

Johnny. The icon you refered to was a box with a ribbon around it in "all" my aircraft folders. But now, it looks like the little Gremlins have gone.

If I have "just" Adobe Reader 9 and remove Adobe AIR, Adobe Water, Adobe MUD, Adobe House, Adobe Dobadadoobedodo and everythadobing else, then that's Okaydopay. But, for now, it appears the "AIR" is clear and no more Adobedopey AIR.

Thanks guys.

P.S. Still kinda wondering. Does this happen because of the spelling association between .air (in CFS) and Adobe AIR.
Wonder no more.

~S~ Sky,

Yes it is because of the .AIR. Adobe Air saves it's files as .air and Adobe 9 saves its files as .pdf. All .pdf files have the current Adobe symbol on them. Adobe .air files have the Adobe .air symbol. The Adobe Air tells the computer that all .air files are Adobe Air files. But CFS's .air came first, it don't matter. Change a .air file to a .zip and poof it is a zip. Then there is the smilo .zip to .txt method for posting .zips where they are not allowed.


ps: Thanks for the laughs.
You guys don't have to uninstall anything. You just need to change the Windows file association so that the .air files don't point to the Adobe app. You can re-associate the files with your airfile editor, and all will be fine.

I don't have my XP netbook in front of me to remind me of how to do it in the old OS. In Vista, you choose Control Panel / Programs / Default Programs / Set Association, find .air in the list, click it, and click Change Program. Then click the Browse button and choose your Airfile editor program.

If you don't have an airfile editor, then you need to do nothing. Because even though it shows the .air files as being associated with the Adobe app, as long as you don't double-click them, nothing bad will happen to them.

~S~ DennyA,

I see you are in smilo land. Also, you could be another "Super D" if not the real one. Do you fly CFS? Want to have more fun then you thought was possible with your clothes on? Do you fly Multi-Player? Are you free on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday nights or Sunday mornings? Join the fun, fly CFS on line. It is free, fun and you will meet some of the greatest people from around the world and can kill them over and over again.

Before you go any farther let me tell you about myself. I assume some people do not like me, but I do not care. I think I am the nicest person you will ever meet. But, I have a warped since of humor. Do not take anything I say for granted/truth/gospel/etc.., I can lie and have you believe every word. I can tell you the truth and you will not believe it. I guess it comes from working undercover for way to long.

I am sure it may work that way if you have a airfile editor, but... I am sorry, if you do not have an airfile editor, there is nothing you can do but delete Adobe Air. The fact is that the only time a .air file is used is when you fly, but after installing Adobe.Air all air files are changed. I never opened an .air file unless I was working on it and that would be when I am building something with an .air file in it that needs to be changed. So that gives us two choices, get an airfile editor or dump Adobe.Air.

I am not even sure what Adobe.Air does. I only have Adobe to read PDFs. I could install, I think it is ABBY, but nor sure, and do away with all Adobe programs.

We could all write to Adobe and tell them to change the .air part, but I do not think it will happen.

That said, don't be a stranger DennyA,

There's no reason not to delete Adobe Air, but Adobe Air by itself does not corrupt airfiles. I've had it on my system for six months with CFS2/3/FSx on the system and nothing's gone awry.

See the Wikipedia article for full details.
Or check out Adobe's explanation.

Not sure what "smilo land" is, but I see you're in Mississippi. I graduated from USM. :)

~S~ DennyA,

smilo lives up there in the Seattleish area. He has a 400 acre brick fenced, armed guarded and gated estate over looking the Sound. Next door to that M$ guy. They have a monorail that connects the houses, so they can shoot back and forth. Not bad for a truck driver. I could sure use a shovel full of what he is hauling.

I am not sure, but I think it is a Vista problem. So far that is the only one that Adobe Air was been loaded on, by M$, not by me.

I have disabled the update functionality on Adobe when, after receiving dozens of reminder to update only to find out that these updates were not for W98, I got fed-up:banghead:.

I think you call it a "blessing in disguise"...:kilroy:
I guess I need to clear the .AIR
I do not live on a 400 acre estate
it's only 5 wooded acres
there is no brick fence or armed guards
the "gate" is a cable across the driveway,
but I'm to lazy to put it up and take it down
did you know that it was Bill's Birthday last week?
I do drive a semi tractor/trailer for these guys
oh yeah, I live 3 miles outside of a little town called Sequim
on the way out of town, there's a sign that says
Thanks for Sequiming
(it's pronounced Squim)
and yes, the air is very fresh
I almost forgot to mention; I suppose we're done .AIRing things out.

For now.:costumes::costumes::costumes::costumes:
