I want to Give all my money away!!!


Charter Member
My Beloved Sim Outhouse Site Admins,
Do you have any Idea as to when the Donationware Site will be back on its feet so I can Donate some money to you. You see, I happen to have some money burning a hole in my pocket and my wife is going out of town for a whole week (Yes, Im being left unattended). So, I sat down and tried to think who would happily take my money and assist me in being totally irresponsible while she's gone. It came down to the stripclub or you guys. I finally decided on you because at the end of the night, at least you guys give me something that doesnt cause itching and a rash:)
P.S. Ickie, Hope you're feeling better. Ready for a Marathon?
I read this and almost fell outta my chair laughing! :d :d :d I'm still laughing right now. :d 'Itching and a rash!' :bump:
It came down to the stripclub or you guys. I finally decided on you because at the end of the night, at least you guys give me something that doesnt cause itching and a rash:)

at a strip club you can't even get that without a bunch of coke
Tour of Duty

Having toured stripclubs from Atlantic to Pacific on behalf of the Canadian Forces I can say he may or maynot be right, I don't remember occifer....:barf:

Regards, Rob:ernae:
I recall that Canadian Forces program! IIRC it was called PAID (Personalized Artistic Interpretive Dance). Us single guys got PAID twice a month. ;)
....I finally decided on you because at the end of the night, at least you guys give me something that doesnt cause itching and a rash:)

it would appear, Sir, that you haven't been at the Outhouse very long.
I can almost guarantee that if you stick around, you will acquire that itching and rash mentioned above.
You can always tell just how important a scientific theory may be by the large number of voluntary researchers flocking to it. . .

Hi Gramps,
Have you found out anything on the Donationware for me yet? I tried to use it awhile ago and still nothing. Go figure, when I finally break down for the F-100 I cant get it:(:173go1: