Geez!...Patrolling in a flight of five Camels on a routine Recce artillery spotting sortie, when I turned my head, just in time to see a Pfaltz lining up on my ass!...Where he came from, I don't know...but he had brought some of his chums along to the party!
With horror I looked left and right, as I lost sight of him, only to see holes appearing in my left, lower wing, and tracers whizzing everywhere!!.... the Hun appearing again on my tail...but this time, close enough to see him grinning!!!
I yanked the stick hard left, and kicked the rudder, into a near stall, and he whistled over my head, his undercarriage just missing my top wing by Inches...Yanked open the throttle, pulled nose up slightly, and let him have it!...Heard him scream, as he was hit!...spirraled down belching white smoke, and hit the deck!..... God, I am alone in the sky...just an Observation Balloon...Ah good...Roundels... One of ours...but where are my flight?
Nowhere to be seen, quick check of the map, and I see a friendly airfield close by!..Camel's engine sounds like sh*t..gonna have to put her down..and soon!
OMG!....another German..closing fast..and heading straight for me head-on!
Must resist the urge to turn and run..I will be easy meat!... OK Matey-boy!...Bring it on!!....I squeeze every last ounce out of the complaining Camel.....and fly straight at the German flyer.
He opens up with a long burst, and his bullets fly true... hit again...the ghastly thud of lead on wood!...It's nearly curtains...surely!...but my nerve holds, and I save my best until last!
He is in my sights, and I can imagine his elation at seeing my crippled kite spewing smoke!..but today is my day...and I will make him pay...dearly!
I let him have it!....My guns spew fire and lead... His engine catches fire, and he falls away like a stricken wingless bird, and I watch with grim satisfaction as flame engulfs the cockpit, and his top wing tears off!...No Drinks in the mess tonight for him!..except those drunk by his comrades, in memory of him.
My poor Camel is in a right mess, and more due to luck than judgement, I nursed her down onto the grass strip of the friendly airbase.
Campaign mission number two, comes to an end..... And boy, do i need a stiff one in the Mess!!
With horror I looked left and right, as I lost sight of him, only to see holes appearing in my left, lower wing, and tracers whizzing everywhere!!.... the Hun appearing again on my tail...but this time, close enough to see him grinning!!!
I yanked the stick hard left, and kicked the rudder, into a near stall, and he whistled over my head, his undercarriage just missing my top wing by Inches...Yanked open the throttle, pulled nose up slightly, and let him have it!...Heard him scream, as he was hit!...spirraled down belching white smoke, and hit the deck!..... God, I am alone in the sky...just an Observation Balloon...Ah good...Roundels... One of ours...but where are my flight?
Nowhere to be seen, quick check of the map, and I see a friendly airfield close by!..Camel's engine sounds like sh*t..gonna have to put her down..and soon!
OMG!....another German..closing fast..and heading straight for me head-on!
Must resist the urge to turn and run..I will be easy meat!... OK Matey-boy!...Bring it on!!....I squeeze every last ounce out of the complaining Camel.....and fly straight at the German flyer.
He opens up with a long burst, and his bullets fly true... hit again...the ghastly thud of lead on wood!...It's nearly curtains...surely!...but my nerve holds, and I save my best until last!
He is in my sights, and I can imagine his elation at seeing my crippled kite spewing smoke!..but today is my day...and I will make him pay...dearly!
I let him have it!....My guns spew fire and lead... His engine catches fire, and he falls away like a stricken wingless bird, and I watch with grim satisfaction as flame engulfs the cockpit, and his top wing tears off!...No Drinks in the mess tonight for him!..except those drunk by his comrades, in memory of him.
My poor Camel is in a right mess, and more due to luck than judgement, I nursed her down onto the grass strip of the friendly airbase.
Campaign mission number two, comes to an end..... And boy, do i need a stiff one in the Mess!!