I Will Try To Explain Carefully My Problem With The Scenery Add-on Box In FS9

casey jones

Charter Member
I Will Try To Explain Carefully My Problem With The Scenery Add-on Box In FS9

This is giving me fits...I re-installed FS9 4 times, first it said it will install in Programx86, then it installs okay, but when I go to the settings box after install and the to the scenery list to add my scenery I look at the list and at the top check mark box 1 is the ADD-ON SCENERY BOX...this does not look right, when I add the scenery (click on it) the scenery shows up under the Add-on scenery box.. I just cannot remmenber ever seeing the ADD-ON Box in the scenery check list before, any help will be appreciated.



Yes, Addon Scenery is one of the default Scenery Layers.

If you are using System 7, when you are adding scenery layers, after clicking OK you need to right click (maybe left click works too?) on the white area of the remaining dialog box, and the new scenery layer should be added.

Hope this helps,
I've been having the same problem too with the "New" "Improved" Windows 7 operating platform.

Thanks tgibson, I will give that a try soon.

Also I find it very fascinating that, at random, Windows 7 will keep switching the order list I see my files. At one time I can view my foldered files in a list that descends in alphabetical order and in numeric order and then out of the blue I open up my file cabinet and they are reversed in order. Randomly switches from Descending order to Ascending order. I have absolutely no idea what triggers it to switch at random like that. Maybe it is Microsoft's new way to prevent monotany. Is aggrevating though.