I would really love a Belverder

ian elliot

Im posting to see what reaction i get, im in the process of updating some of my scenery for FSX, although i still fly FS9 and there will be a few goodies for you guys in a few weeks, but everytime i research RAF base's in the 60's in the middle east and far east, i always see great photos of Bristol Belveders on the flight line, weather its Khormaksar or Singapore , and it would be really great to have one in FS9 or FSX, ive even consider'd making a static scenery object, a flyer is well beyond my abilities, will we ever see one in out flightsim world, anyone got a sniff of one in the works.
what do you guys think, cheers ian
The Bristol Type 192 Belvedere, remembered affectionately by nobody (as far as I can tell) but which filled a vital niche for the RAF throughout the 1960s. You're right Ian, its absence in your sceneries sticks out like a sore thumb; I did think of painting Mich Posch's H-21 to represent it once, but my heart wasn't in it.

Always had a soft spot for the Belvedere since I built the Airfix model a few years back; well, rebuilt really, because that model was pretty bad and needed a lot of work, did a couple of RAF versions and a "What if .." Royal Navy helo. Would be lovely to see it in MSFS.
