Iceberg Dead Ahead


Retired SOH Admin
Am I the only person who has iceberg looking things sticking out of the ground throughout the FS9 world. I have seen them in Germany, France, Italy, and just saw some in Australia. I don't know if this is an issue with the Rhumbaflappy mesh I use or if it is a common thing. I didn't think to take a screen shot...will go do that now.

Global warming? What global warming? We got no stinking global warming! OBIO has proven that and more!
I've seen those before Obio, but can't remember for the life of me how to get rid of them.

Never seen them in my sim .. but not the first time I seen post about those ...
I will be more happy if someone create some scenery addon's for have icebergs in real location (or like) as they are missing in this flight simulation ..
Some iceberg-ships maybe ? :)

So that's who borrowed our Icebergs from the Arctic
He can borrow .. that's not problem .. will stay enough :)
Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008
I could use my FSX and the Paulatuk scenery as a blue print and see what I can come up with if your interested in extreme Arctic Canada.
Might be related. There is a similar phenomenon I get sometimes from a scenery for Barking Sands Hawaii. It is very short lived and resolves into some shrubbery (not a shrubbery?!). I guessesd it was my slower system chewing to load some difficult scenery.
When I had it, it was related to some scenery I'd installed. That was several installs ago though and I don't remember much about it other than the ice scattered about.
Lake Erie looks way too cold for Bass, Walleye and Perch fishing....which is a shame as Deb and I were just invited to spend a weekend up at the lake with one of the nurses she worked with. 35 foot boat with all the nice gadgets, a nice 6 sleeper camper. Man I was looking forward to bringing home enough Perch and Walleye to fill up a good portion of the deep freeze we just picked up.

The only thing I can think of is that there is a conflict somewhere caused by a receintly installed scenery package... but that has already been pretty much said here. There is a little utility that I have used in the past when I have had weird issues in flight sim called "FS Registry Repair", from Flight One Software. It works pretty good but it may or may not resolve this issue. If you want to have a go with it, lemme know, OBIO.

I have noticed these icebergs from basically day one....even before I added scenery...and even now I don't have a great deal of add on scenery. I wonder if it could be my system just maxing out in urban areas....I have not seen the iceburgs anywhere but in and around cities and well developed airports. My system is a P4 3.0gig, 2 Gig PC3200 Ram, 512meg Nvidia GeForce 7600GS. Win XP Home update to SP3 with all but the most recent updates done. I know that when I am in detail rich city/airport locations my frame rates drop down to aroudn 12FPS or so (have the sim locked at 25FPS..detail sliders maxed out). Maybe the system is bogging down and the sim is substituting icebergs for trees and shrubs.

OBIO, I'm afraid the situation is worse than you think! Cleveland in for a cool summer.

That's just Mother Nature getting back at them for letting the Cuyahoga River catch fire in '69!
We don't have icebergs here in Finland, but I have got these "ring-islands" on the Finnish coast for some time (in FS2004).

View attachment 10097

Perhaps some mesh, landclass or texture conflict?
