Icon a5


Hi, I've been taking a bit of a break from FS and the modelling side of things and I trying to get back into it.... I started converting this project (from MS FLIGHT) late last year and I think its almost finished. Before (and If I do) release this I was wondering the legality of it ? considering FLIGHT has been modded, what do you guys think ?


P3D Only (at the moment)
Working Radios
Folding Wings
3D Propeller blur
Working (ish) GPS
All the usual animated parts
Emmisive lights
Ignition key

The flight model needs tweaking as the CHT light comes on almost instantly ! but other than that you can land and fly it ;)

Some pics...

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Love that airplane. I flew the very nice FSX version a ton while I still had FSX. Would love to see it in P3D. Not sure what you mean by "Flight" being modded? I thought Flight was a dead issue.
Not sure what you mean by "Flight" being modded? I thought Flight was a dead issue.
Model is converted from MS Flight.

I have no idea what kind of eula Flight has. MS Flight Simulators, at least FSX, has quite laxed rules for the models released with the sim and for example OZx Goose is using fylly the original FSX model and is distributed with all the model files. You should do some detective work before distributing that. Looks good, though!
Looks quite good indeed.
The previous A5, for FSX, had a nice exterior model, but its VC was not looking as good as this one.
Now, for the copyright stuff, that's a different thing. Even though Flight is now dead (it was dead even before it became available anyways), it might be a good idea to ask someone at Microsoft if that model can be made available for any other sim.
... Ah, and I guess you'd better ask them if you can make it available for FSX (with implicit P3D compatibility), instead of P3D directly...
Craig, keep us up to date on how this progresses. The A-5 is one slick little airplane. If I was ever in a position to be able to afford an airplane, it would be the A-5. I'm 5 minutes from one of the largest man-made lakes in the US and a couple hours away from most people or family members I'd want to visit. . .it would be my perfect toy! lol