ID this airline please


Retired SOH Admin
I am working on a few repaints for the FSDB Lockheed Electra L10A and have found an interesting scheme for Wisconsin Central...but I can't ID the airline. I thought it was Eastern Airlines, or a division there of, but none of the Eastern Airlines logos that I have found match the one on the plane in this image. The image quality isn't the greatest...sorry.


That would be the one. I just need to find a hi-res version that I can work with...needs to have Wisconsin Central around the circle. I found a link on the history of Wisconsin Central, which later became Northern Central Airlines, then became a part of Republic, then later a part of another airline.

does this help

and a color photo sorry for the small size

It was the airline known as the "Ruptured Duck Airlines", good old North Central. I once flew from Chicago to Green Bay in a raging snowstorm in 1965. The plane landed in Waukegan. The right engine wouldn't start. They sent us another airplane. This time the left engine would't start. I told the Stewardess (that's what we called them in those days) to take the left engine off the first plane and away we'd go. She was not amused. Finally they dug up another aircraft which got us in Green Bay, six hours and six foot of snow late. From there I had to drive to Sturgeon Bay, getting in at 1:30 in the morning.
Dang, Helldiver, I just might remember that storm: my Dad was transferred to Sturgeon Bay in the Summer of '65. It never would have occurred to me that anybody would have been flying in that kind of weather! -Phil