Idea for new EP-3B texture


Charter Member
A friend who really follows this stuff mentioned to me an idea someone who is adept at texturing and modeling might want to pursue. I recall seeing something in the fairly recent past on this website about repaints for the FSKBT EP-3. He mentioned the JASDF/JMSDF has their own Kawasaki-modified EP-3. It also sprouts a forest of antennae but the most interesting thing about the airplane is the second circular radome on its underside, toward the wing trailing edge. It doesn't have a "canoe" fairing beneath the fuselage like ours does, either.

There's a photo on the "" site of one version of the aircraft, this one doesn't have the circ. radomes but does sprout a series of faired black antennae on both top and bottom.

Just an idea for someone who may want to do something different for this excellent aircraft.