If BUFFALO did some long-hauling...

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
... they probably would make it this way:



Buffalo does not operate any DC-6, but inspired by their DC-3s, DC-4s or C-46s, this is how she may look like. The depicted registration N6174C belongs to a DC-6A, currently operated by Northern Air Cargo at Anchorage, Alaska.
Just imagine they sold it to Buffalo...


Just uploaded to flightsim.com and the Outhouse.
Have fun!

Ah another excellent paint for my Buffalo Hanger. I was flying the buffalo DC-3 Markus did this morning and got hammered by Snow storm and Ice Fog using ASA. What thrill that was and a surprise. I'll put this puppy to work going to Nunavut Igloolik. Thank You

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Propliners FS2004/FSX Buffalo Airways Douglas DC-6
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: buffalo_dc6.zip Size: 6,472,731 Date: 11-12-2009
[SIZE=-1] FS2004/FSX Buffalo Airways Douglas DC-6 (fictional). Textures only for CalClassic's DC-6A base pack. Repaint by Markus Hellwig.[/SIZE]

And thank you, guys!

The DC-6 was on my wish list for quite a long time, but it seemed that all the tempting repaints were already done...
Thanks again Markus :applause::applause:

My 6 will be repainted today and put to work tonight :jump:

Your paint plus the Cal Classics DC-6 is a perfect match :engel016:

Just don't try to drop into an airport that barely fits a C-46. :)


Tom Gibson
CalClassic Propliners

A thank you and some pictures cost nothing .. aswell a question:
It's a issue (midmapping) or it's me (I converted the fuse and wings BMP in DXT3 format)
The aft fuse is not sharp .. until I go fore and aft in the external view.

Forget it :) work great with 32 bits textures.




Markus, you seem to be working through the Buffalo fleet pretty well. Any chance you'd use your talents on their L-188 Electra?

I've always been a fan of J.R. Lucariny's model.
Glad you're having fun with this immortal aircraft!

Quoting Pete:
"Buffalo Airways has aquired another classic and we're in the process of delivering the DC-6 to their main base in the NWT.
Along the way we've got a few cargo contracts to fill and we're delivering the freight as we make our way east. "

That's exactly the legend I intended to create around this repaint:
It doesn't always have to be a rendition of real aircraft.
Simulation is about imagination!

@ claudius:
That's why I prefer to roll out my repaints in 32Bit: DXT3 just doesn't cut the mustard... :icon_lol:

@ adhockey:
I once had this Electra in my fleet, but I remember not to have been too happy with it. Maybe I'll give another try...
But you're right: There are still some more gems in the BUFFALO fleet. In the planning are already two of them with a decent affection to water... :d

OK guys, now that you have the aircraft and a bit of experience flying "north of 60" it should be time to tackle the challenges of the "real north"...

Some of you may already have these, but for the rest of the explorers it's time to fly resupply missions on the DEWline!
Al Gay and Bear Baker made a set of sceneries (dewline.zip) that includes the huge radar arrays, airports, navaids.

for the DEW stations that was updated by Curt Jardey (dew_stns.zip)

There are a few small glitches (see the read-me files) but it's a worthwhile addition.

Most of the DEW stations have now been closed (and in the process of very expensive salvage) so this is a trip back in history. A few have been updated as part of the North Warning System. For some incredible reading and pictures, here's a site dedicated to the DEWline


and Ren L'Ecuyer's incredible RCAF ATC sites at :


holds a ton more info about the Pinetree line and other installations. Sadly, Ren passed away 4 years ago and his wife has been maintaining the site but...

"Further to this, as of December 31st, 2009, the websites will no longer be active."

So if you have any interest, time's slipping away.

But you're right: There are still some more gems in the BUFFALO fleet. In the planning are already two of them with a decent affection to water... :d

Nice tease. You got my attention!

No doubt who's CL-215 is going to get some paint (love that model more than the 415T)... But which is the lucky Canso?
For a L-188 Electra, I use Mike Stone's with the flight dynamics from KBT's Orion.

Anyone else know of a decent L-188? I thought I heard about one from KBT but I didn't see one on their website.


Edit: I saw it... FSX only. RATS!
Bummer, boys!
It will be the Abacus PBY.
The Alphasim Cat isn't part of my fleet, and I just took another look at it and decided not to buy it.

The CL215 ("no. 1 for landing") is to be done on Massimo Taccoli's fine model, I hope you had this on your mind...