If you have the alphasim p-51


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Do you have it? Could you do the dooleybird one

and this one c-ffuz (should be a black p-51)

and dale snodgrass glamorous gal

As I have to start from scratch when I would like to make a repaint for the Alphasim model, I thought about an alternative.

In the past I did a repaint for Warwick Carter's P51-D which is why I already had a reasonable start. So I can offer you this repaint for that P-51. It is done for the updated version of Warwick's P51. It is available at Flightsim.com. Just do a search on the file p51dver2.zip.

I'm sure you will like this model and there are loads of (photoreal) repaints available for it.




The answers are quite simple Darren. The Dooleybird repaint is still on my hard-disk. Due to real life issues I haven't been able to upload it yet.

The reason why I didn't do the repaint for the Alphasim model is already explained in my previous post in this thread. I already had created a fairly good paintkit for Warwick Carter's model (at least in my opinion). For the Alphasim model there is only a very simple basic paintkit from Virtavia/Alphasim available. To turn this into something which is accepatble according to current standards would take me far to much time.

As already mentioned in the first line of this post, I haven't been able to upload the Dooleybird repaint due to lack of time. To create the Dooleybird repaint for the Alphasim model would take me roughly 45 hours. I'm sorry but I currently don't have that amount of spare time.

When you want to try yourself; the basic paintkit for the Alphasim model can be found on this page: http://www.virtavia.com/Freeware/index.php?dir=/Paint Kits

Actually, Huub, I made the same mistake based on this part of your post: "It is available at Flightsim.com." Now I know that "it" refers to the Carter P-51, not your beautiful skin shown in your post. Also, Darren probably underestimates the amount of skill and effort goes into a repaint. You guys, because of your talent, just make it look easy. Thanks for all you do here.
So there's a paint kit! That simplifies!

So here you go!

Here's the graphics, courtesy of someone who posted a scan of the Matchbox kit decal sheet, with the plane's name and even the codes in the proper style.

It's in bitmap form with the original JPEG smear removed.

You'll want to add the thin black outline around the letters in the plane name (not difficult, just tedious.)

You're on your own for the checkers around the nose. I don't know if the mapping even makes that possible. I would try that first, in case it's not possible, before putting any time into anything else.

If you copy the image it will come down as a JPEG, complete with JPEG smear in the red areas. It seems that I have to make a second post in order to add a second attachment of the image as a bitmap in a zip file

OK, here it is as a bitmap that will be clean when you open it.

The plane name is ready to copy and paste.

Some of the other items could use some clean-up, at least when seen in close-up. When shrunk down to be pasted on a texture file they may not need it. Just take a close-up look at each item when you copy it to the texture file.

Open the texture files in DXTbmp (from Martin Wright Graphics), assign your favorite image program as the editor, and have at it! I strongly suggest that you save all your edits in 32-bit format. If you save them as DXT files they will get a little bit more corrupt with every change you make, and soon your careful work will look terrible..
As I mentioned the first time, then forgot the second time, you'll need to add the black outline to the plane name. I suggest a line width of three pixels. Do that before you shrink it down to the size needed for the texture file.

The code letters will need some clean up. You'll see what I mean when you open them and zoom in on them. Nothing difficult there.

I have no suggestions about the checkers around the nose because I don't know how the nose is represented on the textures. That will determine whether it's easy or impossible. As I said before, try that first, so if it can't be done you won't waste time on the other parts.
One more thing. If the textures don't include a separate part for the extreme nose, where the checkers go, and just have a side profile view for the whole fuselage, then maybe (Maybe!) the 2D checkers from the Matchbox decal sheet will wrap around the 3D virtual fuselage the same way the 2D decal wraps around the 3D plastic fuselage. With that in mind, attached is a cleaned-up copy of the nose checkers from a scan of the decal sheet that someone posted on the Interweb.

I don't know enough about the textures or the paint kit to say if this is necessary, or if it will work. (I don't know how well or poorly the real decals wrap around the nose of the plastic model either.) But maybe it's the last piece of the puzzle...
Hey Mick,

I've downloaded the paint kit and had a look. The background layer on the Mustang_1_t.psd file does have artwork with a checkered nose. The spinner is also represented seperately with it's own mapping, so it should be possible to do the blue and white concentric circles on the spinner as per Huub's screenshots above.

Hey Mick,
I've downloaded the paint kit and had a look. The background layer on the Mustang_1_t.psd file does have artwork with a checkered nose. The spinner is also represented seperately with it's own mapping, so it should be possible to do the blue and white concentric circles on the spinner as per Huub's screenshots above.

Great! That should make it pretty easy to paint the Dooleybird.

I haven't bothered to download the model or the paint kit, since neither the model nor the Dooleybird skin interest me, and there are lots of things that do interest me that I don't have time for. All I did was take a copy of the Matchbox decal sheet and do a little quick basic clean-up of the plane name.

I figured that the paint kit and the graphic items specific to the Dooleybird skin would be enough to get Darren started. But he's been absent from this thread ever since the discussion turned from getting someone to do the job for him, to trying to help him learn to do it himself.
Hey Mick,

I figured that the paint kit and the graphic items specific to the Dooleybird skin would be enough to get Darren started. But he's been absent from this thread ever since the discussion turned from getting someone to do the job for him, to trying to help him learn to do it himself.

Maybe with some time and some space Darren will decide to give it a try.

The nice thing about creating graphics in a digital environment is that if you don't like what you see, you can always hit the undo button and try again.

Textures look great, Huub :encouragement:
