If you want something really rare...

Is it any good though? It's not listed in my Boys Own Big Plane book. Ooops I meant Janes Military aircraft almanac lol
Crazy, but ive got to give it a go, im guessing it was a project like the USAF Goblin parasite fighter program from the early 50's, going by the Bull in the background.
cheers ian
There's seems not much information about this bird, nor in English, nor Russian, seems its sorta of antishiping missile made into experimental plane and first flight was in 1955. It would be nice if somebody more educated on this matter could give more information.
Model itself is very nice both outside and inside, as flight model goes one can only guess...
Just downloaded and will give it a try shortly. Pepekcepek has done some outstanding work on MiG-21s in the past, so there's every reason to believe this one should be nicely done as well.
There's seems not much information about this bird, nor in English, nor Russian, seems its sorta of antishiping missile made into experimental plane and first flight was in 1955. It would be nice if somebody more educated on this matter could give more information.
Model itself is very nice both outside and inside, as flight model goes one can only guess...

That's pretty much what I found. Best reference in a quick search is this reference to a model:
"model of experimental Mig K-1(KSK)-piloted version of the missile itself-aircraft was used to test different cruise missile guidance systems, a manned version of the KS-1 `Comet` missile (designed to be launched primary against ships from TU-4 bomber. This is a perfect example of rare type experimental aircraft of late 40-s."
It appears that the "KSK" was built from a MiG-9 (MiG-9L (FK))

some good pics of the model:

The missile itself is referenced and shown here:
Thank you for the HU
Need some contact points adjustements .......

Just downloaded that one, too.

The first download is a manned testbed of the A/S missile usually seen under Tu-16s, but the old Tu-4 Bull also used to carry them.