If You're On The Fence...

Tom Clayton

Staff member
On the fence about donating that is... Roger can often be much better than me at things like this, so:
Charter members get faster downloads and are allowed more downloads per day.

We can keep SOH advert free as a donation site.

Many modellers and repainters upload to SOH and value our members judgement as informal beta testers.

Many modellers and repainters announce the release of their works on SOH, so chances are you'll see it here first!

He's also posted several screenshots of items that were originally uploaded here exclusively. To see these brilliant screenshots, take a look at Roger's thread in the FSX board:
And some of us only release our stuff on this site. I know I'm not the only one.

I think we're doing pretty well. We're not quite halfway through the month and 70% to the goal, and many, perhaps most members don't get paid until halfway through the month (meaning the beginning of next week), some not until the end.

I don't know of any other completely user-supported flight sim sites. This one is pretty special.
There is a very large member base here at SOH, and if each member donated just $5, the SOH would reach it's goals and then some. I should be able to make a second "pop" towards the end of the month.

Just donated what I can spare just now, kids birthdays coming up very soon and on the darkside of Christmas and all. How long do we have, may be able to add more next month?

I only ever upload my stuff here, always have. Not that that's much of an incentive, lol. Ther was more of my older CFS2 stuff, but that has been lost through hacks/crashes, etc.


Hey guys,

I've got to side with Blackbird686 on this one. There have been several members who are financially struggling who could not even donate this, but if you have not donated before, this is an excellent way to get your feet wet. We could close the gap in very little time if more people took this attitude. Thanks!
Why, heck, it's worth the price of admission just to get to watch Milton and team(s) work (play?). Regardless of the price of the ticket, it's money well spent, even if it's the just price of a Mickey Dee's Happy Meal! Tell me this place doesn't bring a smile to your face! And, tell me you don't begin exhibiting withdrawal symptoms when this place goes offline, even for scheduled maintenance!! :biggrin-new::very_drunk::encouragement:
There have been years when all I could do was $5 as well. I 'm just glad to be in a slightly better place right now.