IFR and Propliner Contrails


Staff member
I rarely fly IFR but I was wanting to fly the Stratoliner from Salt Lake City to Denver and it was snowing with 3/4 mile vis at KSLC with(pics 1 & 2), so instead of my usual ignoring ATC in IFR conditions, I went IFR this time.

I'd forgotten how wishy washy the ATC can be. Had me climbing and descending back and forth between 13,000 and 15,000 ft just because he could. Aggravating son of a biscuit eater.

Apparently it was cold enough at 15,000 above the Rockies between SLC and Denver for contrails to form. Even the AI was getting into the act as I caught a USAF formation of C-118s with them too.

With the cold and the ATC being a pain, I was sure glad to get parked at Denver......
The easiest way to avoid the altitude jojo is by requesting higher the first time ATC tells you to climb.
Basically the altitude you filed is lower than the MEA or at least what FS thinks MEA in that sector should be.
So if you're putting along at 13000' and then get 15000' simply ask for an increase of 2000 (it is applied to your filed altitude the first time around) and you will get and keep 15000'

Of course that will not fix the jojo at the other end where ATC may give you a descent to 5000' and then, just as you get there tells you to go back up to 9000' as you are being vectored for an approach.

It was at the far end where I started getting the ups and downs. I'd descend, get handed off and then told to climb just as I was getting to descent altitude. When I'd get back high, I'd be handed off and told to descend again. Craziest mess I've seen in a while....
It was at the far end where I started getting the ups and downs. I'd descend, get handed off and then told to climb just as I was getting to descent altitude. When I'd get back high, I'd be handed off and told to descend again. Craziest mess I've seen in a while....

For that there is unfortunately no quick and cheap fix that I know off...Radar Contact 4 does a much better job than the built in ATC but of course there are still occasional hick-ups and it's not free.

I typically have a little better luck when I ask for a specific IAP and not just let ATC vector me in. But it doesn't always work and when flying a big radial such as the Connies or the Boeing in your case that's just a pain in the ....
