Just been doing some damage testing. Sorry Jason, I should have been more specific. The missing 127mmAAF gun was on the Mogami.
I modded your short mission so I have a battle group of the generic destroyers, and the Mogami and the Suzuya. Hence some of my comments about effects relate to the cruisers, not just the destroyers. And I'm testing in PTO, so some missing effects may actually be present in the ETO effects.xml, but why then would you put these lovely Japanese ships in the ETO?
The Destroyer v2 refers to fx_gunblast_s - this muzzle effect does not exist, I had swapped over to the generic fx_muzlflsh_s. I tried the fx_muzlflsh_l for fun, but it has a horrible yellow colour and the shape is just a big blob.
I find the yellow tracers specified for the weapons rounds for the Japanese 25mm calibers a bit hard to see (I am a sucker for the big blobs of colour used in ETO AA rounds). So I've gone for a compromise and just upped the yellow smoke tracer effects to 40 from the 30 series (eg. fx_tracer_yellow_smoke40)- I think the only difference is in the length of the tracer. The tracer is still subtle on a bright PTO day.
sub_torp_gun is the gun I've settled on for the torpedo tubes - I think through your destroyers and cruisers you have used several different gun types.
On the Suzuya, the damage effect fx_oiltanker should read fx_oil_tanker.
In terms of the damage boxes, I am not sure if they are set up properly on the cruisers - as they stand, a single rocket salvo from the beaufighter can sink the Suzuya, for example (um, this may not be right it may have happened after I modified the damage boxes). I've tried a simplified set of damage boxes for the Mogami,
<Box ID="damagebox_nose" Parent="damagebox_nose">
<BoxMap SystemID="engine_one" Probability="60" Points="300000"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="bridge" Probability="10" Points="3100"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="midship_deck" Probability="10" Points="3100"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="aa_gun_a" Probability="2" Points="285"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="aa_gun_b" Probability="2" Points="285"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="aa_gun_c" Probability="2" Points="290"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="aa_gun_d" Probability="2" Points="290"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="8in_gun_a" Probability="4" Points="575"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="8in_gun_b" Probability="4" Points="575"/>
<BoxMap SystemID="8in_gun_c" Probability="4" Points="600"/>
This does not lock up but am not sure if it achieves the disabling of guns once they meet their damage thresholds.
You have taken the trouble to create 3 different 25mm AA guns - what does this do? (No criticism here at all - I'm just interested )