IL-2 1946 Patch Question


Charter Member
Hi All;

I've bought a copy of IL-2 1946 from eBay -- awaiting delivery -- and was wondering two things: what are the patches specific to IL-2 1946 in sequence (4.07 - 4.10? I don't need specific details of each one just the number they start at and where's the best place to download them), and second seeing that the version I've purchased contains the IL-2/AEP-FB-PF combo along with IL-2 1946 will those discs contain the patches that were peculiar to the earlier versions of IL-2 or will those patches need to be downloaded as well?

Cheers and thanks in advance,

your disc should be 4.07 and then upload 4.8,4.09 and last 4.10. Mission4today is where you can find the patches. I also read that 4.11 is coming out shortly. :wavey: