IL-2 Classic Skins in IL-2 1946


Charter Member

I'm a long-time fan of the IL-2 series but I've been away from it for awhile. I didn't buy IL-2: 1946 when it came out as the PC I had then wasn't optimized for it but since I've moved on to a more capable 64-bit Windows 7 set-up I'm finally going to pick up a copy of 1946 from eBay and get back into it, but I'd like to know if the aircraft skins from the classic IL-2/AEP+PF series are directly transferable to IL-2 1946? I have at least a few hundred of them and I'd prefer not having to search for and download them all again if I can.

Thanks in advance,

Yep, as far as I know the skins will swap just fine between all versions of Il-2 Sturmovik. So far, only Cliffs of Dover is different.

When you install Il2: 1946, do not install it to the default directory, which would be C:/Program Files. Installing games to that directory will often lead to problems with the security features of Vista and Windows 7. I highly recommend you create a separate directory for games.
Thanks muchly for the info, stansdds; I'm glad I won't have to spend weeks hunting 'em all down again. Yeah, I set up my sims (eg., FS2004) separately on a dedicated 1TB drive that I had installed when I ordered my new Dell and am considering adding an external 2TB drive as well.
