Cirrus N210MS
Charter Member
New Channel for IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover now in TS3 Thank you Dangerousdave26
For Letting me setup a Channel :salute:
does anyone wanna make a IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Mod Team? and work as a a team to make the ai planes have panels etc let me know ok i would like to do teamwork
ill Help you get setup and working we can share the project files and see what we can get done
For Letting me setup a Channel :salute:
does anyone wanna make a IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover Mod Team? and work as a a team to make the ai planes have panels etc let me know ok i would like to do teamwork
ill Help you get setup and working we can share the project files and see what we can get done