


i just watched a video for IL-2 and it looks beautiful. i sorta want to try it... but dont want to spend the money, mainly because i have no money. ⌐_⌐
demo download

Check various free demo download sites. You'll find an il-2 demo. From there you can decide. Go to sim-outhouse. Hit Navigation. Youll find il-2 and check out OFF. Superb.
No money no game.In the end they do not cost that much and can always ask a frirend or family member to buy for you for Christmas.

It a excellent Sim and its the best one representing the Air war in the Eastern Front through a Sim.

You can get here Look for Il46 or go to Google and do search there as well.

It also has Carrier wars in the Pacific through the Pacific Fighter addon to it and fly with USA Navy or Japanese Imperial Navy in the Battles of Midways and other Sea Battles.

I highly recommend it.

No its not CFS1, so do not do the mistake of comparing them. Its not the only good Sim out there. There is also CFS2 and CFS3 witch are also good after you learn to upgrade through their community.

You can get them here

Enjoy and watch your Six!:jump:
i'm afraid i won't be able to run it at decent graphics settings but i will prolly buy a new video card after i get some Christmas money. plus i don't want to cheat on CFS1 hahaha
You can still fly with CFS1 even if you buy another Sim. I do so can you. You are not cheating on any body.:jump:

You are just expanding your flying experience!:ernae: