Il-46 aircraft addons


charter member past

My question is actually for Il-46, although as I understand it this contains all the aspects from the earlier simulations. I have just recently started replaying the game after having been engrossed with straight flight simulations for a while. While there are a lot of flyable aircraft, and a lot of AI aircraft to fight, many of these are just variants of the same plane (e.g. many different marks of Spitfire) and I have found myself wanting to add more aircraft to get some additional variety, especially for fantasy missions (e.g. a D. 520 vs. an He-112). Is there some way to download aircraft to my hard drive and make them work in Il-46? I am not even sure where to go to find them. SOH does not have any such aircraft that I can find, and although I have found a few other sites such as SAS46 and Mission4Today that have aircraft listed that would appeal to me, I am not sure if they would work in IL-46 as most of the files don't list compatibility, and those that do all seem to list other components that are required, such as DMF (DFM?) and some others that I don't even know what they mean or where to find them. Even if I could find and download and aircraft I'm not sure if I could load it into the Il-46 aircraft library, as I can't find the appropriate sub folder anywhere in the Ubisoft root folder. Can anyone help? Thanks.
Before you start modding IL-46, go here and do some reading, it takes a lot to explain how to do it. Its a good place to start with asking questions about modding the sim.

DFM means Different Flight Model. It can seem daunting at first to mod the game, but you get used to it, if you make a mistake you reinstall !!

What version of the game do you have? This will tell you which mods will work with it. 4.12 is the latest version.

Read all you can at SAS, its the best way I think , easier then trying to explain the whole process.
Actually, if you make a mistake installing something, if you have the space on your HD, make a copy of your IL46 install and save it somewhere. That way you don't have to go the reinstall route.